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The roots are deep

The tree is large

Its branches are wide and long

Spreading to touch the sky

Years and years of pain, tears and sorrow

Have nourished this tree

And each day, it is becoming larger and larger

Expanding and growing taller

Love, joy and laughter have united to pull down this tree

Strength is needed from the one who sowed the seeds

To pull down this tree

Bitterness from the planter's heart

Is watering this tree

And causing even more pain

The roots are becoming much more deeper

Until the planter takes the antidote of forgiveness

To remove the poison of bitterness

The pain will still remain

Love, joy and laughter

Send truth into the planter's life

To know the truth

To set him free

Truth finally opens the planter's eyes

He learns to forgive

Forgiveness gives him strength

With the combined effort of love, joy and laughter

The big and heavy tree falls down

Now, love joy and laughter

Prepare the ground

For a different type of tree

The planter now sows goods seeds

Love, joy and laughter water these seeds

Together with the planter

They tend a beautiful garden

Which yields fruits of peace and comfort

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