The Face Mask

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You wake up, get ready to go out

For school or for work

Take your make-up kit

Covering up those spots on your face

Just because everyone is doing it

You do this to cover up your insecurities

You look into the mirror

See that one pimple

You quickly cover it up

Why can't you for once remove that face mask?

Show who you really are

Even when you put on the face mask

You still feel insecure

Day by day, you compare yourself to other girls

They have face masks too, right?

Why does theirs look better?

More defined?

Looking at the mirror, 

Your thoughts turn back to that moment of worthlessness

You stare at the mirror

Take off that face mask

Revealing all your flaws and defects

Courage immediately fills you

You are not afraid to show the world who you truly are

You don't have to hide behind any masks

Not even a face mask

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