Real Love

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The word is so hurtful to say

I just have to spell it

I was so sure his love was real

So convinced that we would be happy together

Now I guess I'm not so sure about that

What I thought was love

What I thought was pure and true

Turned out to be the opposite

I can't believe that I was so gullible

So naïve to believe his lies

The same lies he told all the girls

That were his before me

I thought giving myself to him

Was the right decision

I thought it would make our relationship better

I was so wrong

Now I feel so stupid and foolish

As I see his hands wrap around his next victim

I see the same love struck eyes I had weeks ago

I want to warn her before she gets hurt

But I instantly stop myself

She wouldn't believe me

I didn't believe those around me

When they warned me about him

So I just turn away

Praying that somehow,

Her eyes would be opened

To see what I didn't see

To know what I didn't know

Quickly forgetting about her

My thoughts move in another direction

My hopes quickly come alive

What if? What if there was real love out there?

Love that I could be so sure of

Love that would never let me down

That would never fail

Unconditional love

My eyes instantly turn upwards

I instantly see the cross in front of me

I'm yet again reminded of God's love

His love that is unconditional

His love that is all I need

Silent tears of thanksgiving and joy

Stream down my face

I'm grateful for God's love

And how he demonstrated it

On that fateful day

I now realise that human love is imperfect

I thought that guy would give me the love I need

Now I realise that God's true, pure love

Is the only thing I need

The one that would fill completely

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