Humpty Dumpty

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Humpty Dumpty

You know the story of Humpty Dumpty

The egg which fell and couldn't be put together again

That's exactly how I feel

No, that's exactly who I am

A victim of social injustice

It has made me this way

I've been trampled upon, abused, misunderstood

And it doesn't look like I can put the pieces back together again

I've lost hope, I'm groping in the dark

I've lost my way and don't know what to do

So confused and worried about the future

Does anyone know the pain I'm going through?

Do they know what's going on?

Finally, it took some time

But I was finally able to put the broken pieces back together again

It took something greater, Someone greater

He did all the work

He brought life, hope and peace back into my hopeless world

I can't keep it in, I have to tell my story

That's why I'm writing this poem to you

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