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She tosses and turns in bed

Replaying the words they said

Telling her she doesn't fit their standards

Getting up, she tells herself

She makes a resolution

That she will be seen as worthy of their love

Day after day, she tries to change

What she cannot change

The way she walks, talks and eats

Her dressing, she changes everything

She has now become a new person

The funny thing is that

Even after all this, people refuse to accept her

She has even fewer friends

And wallows in self-pity

She cries her heart out silently

And there's no one to hear her cries

Let's fast forward a little bit and see

She's different now

She sees herself in a different light

She may not be accepted by others

But she accepts herself for who she is

After accepting herself, she sees that people are drawing closer to her

She now knows she belongs

And doesn't have to be lonely anymore

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