Daddy's Little Girl

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My dad was the father everyone could have asked for

He was even better than anything I could imagine

He was perfect, too perfect I guess

I started seeing him less and less

As money and power took control of him

He got drowned up in his work

And spent less and less time with me

On the outside, our family looked happy and perfect

But on the inside, it was so broken and shattered

I constantly prayed to God

To make my family whole again

There was too much weight on my family

Then it broke into pieces

Many years later, I started my own family

There was unforgiveness in my heart

Anytime I remembered it was Father's Day

Or my dad's birthday,

I went on a guilt trip

It took some prayer and advise

Before I could finally face my fears

I walked up to my father and forgave him

Our communication barriers broke

All the bitterness in my heart disappeared

I was finally made whole again

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