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She's walking on the streets

And thoughts run through my mind

The past week has been tiring and strenuous

Especially with the increasing workload on her

She finally arrives home and retires to bed

She goes to work and the day goes by uneventfully

Even as she goes about her duties

Her mind keeps shifting to her new fantasy

She asks herself: Is this infatuation or love?

She has all his nicest pictures on her phone

She can't stop thinking about him

But she's practically invisible to him

And she knows it

He looks at her and follows her gaze

Anger immediately fills him

Why does she even like this guy?

Isn't he much better than him?

After all, he has already established a friendship with her

Even though she keeps turning him down

He keeps on trying

Even though he some

Times feels unnoticed by her

Months later, that infatuation, crush disappears

The person she really loves is the one she is with now

And she couldn't be any happier

And as the old saying goes

They lived happily ever after

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