Burned Bridges

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The walls are crumbling down

The foundation is shaking

Everything is falling apart

I'm stuck in the middle of it all

Trying to fix the broken walls

But my efforts seem to do nothing at all

My hope starts to dwindle

I thought this would last

But as my predictions always do, they failed me

Rome was not built in a day

Our friendship took years to build

But just hours to tear down

I tried to salvage it

Unfortunately it was too late

And it all fell apart

Right before my eyes

I honestly don't know how you're feeling right now

Whether you're happy, angry or sad

You claimed it was best for the both of us

I disagreed but you insisted

I tried to stop you, but you left

You left all that we built together

I've tried time and time again to forget

Forget about all the memories we shared

Forget about the pain I went through because you left

I guess I have no other choice now

Everything is broken, right?

I stare at the ruins in front of me

The remainder, the memories of what we once had

I light up a match

And set everything on fire

Tears stream down my face

As everything turns into ashes

I bury these ashes with all my pain and heartbreak

Then I turn and vow to never look back

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