Letting Go

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I know we had this bond a while ago

We go way back and we've had our history

But now distance has separated us

And now it's time to let go

I know it's painful, I know it's difficult

But it has to be done

The past must stay in the past

We've had a lot of good times, I know

But time changes, things change

And the time is due for us to let go

Fights and arguments became constant

Our love began to fade

And the bond began to break

It didn't break immediately

Cracks formed first, then they turned into huge holes

Then the bond shattered completely

And I knew it was finally time to let go

This won't be easy, I must admit

But things can't keep going on like this

So I'm going to do the only thing I know how

And let it all go

You have to do your part and let me go

Don't worry about the pain for now

The pain will soon go

Don't ask me how

Just let it go

You would always have the key to my heart

And one day, when you open it

You would find every detail, every memory

All the tears and laughter we shared

The most important thing you would find

Is the day we decided to let each other go

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