The truth

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Hermoine squirmed. She didn't want to answer this question but she owed it to Draco. "- i mean, i wouldn't put us together and you'd probably agree to that." Hermoine claimed, Draco nodded, Hermione continued " but I've always wanted a child. And i will learn to love you Draco." Hermoine stated. Draco nodded.
Then the unexpected happened, Draco grabbed Hermoine carefully and kissed her blissfully. Hermoine at first was startled but she gradually kissed him back. They pulled apart and Draco started spluttering "i - er, i just thought, you know, sorry i-" Hermione put her finger to his lips which instantly quietened him. They spent a few minutes staring at eachother. Hermoine then broke the silence "why did you do that?" She asked calmly. Draco thought she was mad but sue wasn't, confusion was painted over her face. "I, this is hard for me to say 'Moine, but i like you." He stopped and looked at her. She smiled, "no, like, like you." Draco finished. Hermoine gasped and replied in a whisper he could hardly hear "i like like you too." Draco grinned and they kissed and everything began to get heated when Ginny charged in. The two sprung apart guiltily. Ginny yelled happily "I KNEW IT, YOU KIDS ARE ADORABLE!" Hermoine laughed and Draco raised his eyebrows. "Gin, have you had some alcohol before you came here?" Asked Hermione. Ginny giggled and slurred " i may be a bit tipsy but you're just changing the subject my darlings." She almost fell but Harry turned up and caught her. "We were having a few drinks, celebrating our engagement, soon to be Mrs. Potter had a little too much. I went to the toilet and shenwas gone when i came out, i went to the common room, oh yeah, Ron and Pansy were making out, they broke apart when i turned up and i asked if they saw Ginny, they pointed to your stairwell." Harry explained as ginny snuggled into his arms. Hermoine and Draco were nodding and laughing at the sight of Ginny. "I jusst caght tem kkissin." Ginny tried to say. Harry nodded and smiled at her. They were so happy together. Harry looked up and raised his eyebrow's, Hermione blushed and Draco smirked. "Are you two a thing?" Harry asked. Hermoine and Draco exchanged a look and they understood eachothers choices. "Yeah we suppose so." Hermoine said and Draco nodded. Harry smiled, "i better get this one to bed." Harry said. Dramoine nodded. Hinny left the room (i'm using ship names because it's its quicker and easier) and Hermione turned to Draco and said "how cute is that Ron and Pansy were making out, they're so adorable."
"Yeah pansy isn't as such of a needy, slutty bitch anymore." Draco stated. Hermoine slapped his arm playfully but grinned at him. "Now, where were we?" Draco asked and they started kissing eachother again.

Common room - Ransy

After their (daily) make out session was interrupted, they started discussing baby names.
"For a girl, i like Skye or Bella." Pansy said. Ron nodded. She continued, " and if we had a boy, i like George or jack."
"Yeah. I like the name Ethan as well, and Opal for a girl." He said. They both smiled at eachother and leaned into a kiss, but then ginny and Harry were there. Ginny looked like an utter wreck and kept repeating to Harry "i luv youuu!"! Whilst harry was trying to keep his laughter in. Ginny turned to Ron and said "ugh get a room." Waving her hand and giggling. Ron rolled his eyes and Pansy laughed. They walked away to their room. Ron amd Pansy then went back to their room.

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