Getting there part 1

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Sorry guys! I've been very busy and I kept thinking about writing a chapter then having to do something. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter! Keep reading, voting and commenting!


Nyah xo

Common room - Hinny, Dramione, Ransy and Bluna

"I think I'm okay, it still hurts. That little voice inside of me is still there but Rosie, my counsellor, is helping me through it." Ginny said quietly. Everyone nodded and murmured. Harry hugged her. They all played wizard chess. Since the miscarriage, the wedding had been postponed until may. "Are you going to pick the wedding dress soon?" Hermione asked to brighten up the mood.
"Yeah, can we go this Sunday 'Mione?" Gin asked.
"Yeah of course." Hermione responded.
"Pansy, Luna will you come as well?" She asked hopefully. The two girls nodded happily.
"Okay, and I'll ask my mum if she'll come."

Hey sorry to interject but I just realised I forgot to write the chapter of Ginnys dress and the bridesmaids dresses as well. I got so caught up in the miscarriage plot so I kind of just added this and I'll do it. Sorry about that :)

That weekend the girls and mrs Weasley apparated to the wedding shop. They decided to do the wedding dress first. Ginny picked out at least five and started trying them on. They first three were awful. They made Ginny look lumpy and didn't complement her body. The fourth one was too large for Ginny and they didn't do any other sizes for that one. Ginny sighed as she went to put on the last dress. She pulled it over her head delicately and gasped at herself in the mirror. It was absolutely perfect. She walked out and Pansy clapped excitedly. Mrs Weasley burst into tears and Hermione hugged Ginny. It fitted her wonderfully. It looked like -

Men's suit fitting - Harry, Ron, Blaise and Draco

The boys thought they would go at the same time as the girls to make things easier. Harry didn't like shopping that much so he wanted to get it over with. They walked in together and was greeted almost instantly by a man with a big stomach and a bushy moustache. Harry was getting some Uncle Vernon vibes but realised this man was nice and was actually acting like Harry existed. They took him to a fitting room and Harry got his measurements. Harry picked out a few suits and he tried them on. Every time it wasn't right, Draco would frown and shake his head. Ron would gives a thumbs or make a vomiting noise. Blaise just looked positively bored.

Marriage Law - DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now