Bonus Chapter

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A lot of you must be wondering about a lot of things and that's why I wrote this. I am going to answer questions and list off things that I think you guys would be wondering about. XD

Okay, then. Let's get started! *claps hands loudly*

-Bridget and Jade are canon. Yes, I wasn't in the state of intoxication or being forced to write about Jade choosing Bridget over Paige. It happened because Jade realized that her feelings for Bridget were stronger than her feelings for Paige.

-Bridget wasn't intended to be a regular character in this book. Hell, I wanted to make her into an evil mastermind that takes over the world by painting everything orange, but I said, "why the hell not?" Let's just put her in this book and make Jade and her be endgame.

-This book was inspired by all the books on Wattpad that have a first person point of view title. I wanted to feel some what equal to all the other authors so I came up with the title of this book and just went with the flow.

-No, I did not pee in front of my crush, as I have mentioned before in some chapter which I don't remember. I did puke once, and it was disgusting. My crush never looked at me the same way, well, we did end up being friends for a long time though.

-I gave an extremely subtle hint on who Jade would choose between Paige and Bridget in chapter 18 when Jade picks Bridget's car over Paige's. And I can tell you this, even though you already know, Jade hates Bridget's car.

-The principal of Jade's school is low-key me when I grow older.

-Jared is who I want to be if I was born again as a guy. I'd open up a salon and make people fabulous everyday and then go home to my wife and kids, and coo at them for no reason.

-Between Bridget and Paige, I would choose Janet in a heartbeat.

-After completing this book, I had a creepy thought about making a sequel whose title would be "I fell in Love with The Girl That Peed in Front of Me" inspired by the 1975's album title named "I Like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it". Low-key unpaid advertisement.

-The one who placed the paper bag in Jade's locker was me. I ADMIT MY SIN. But, it was funny though, writing about her with her paper bag. It was different for me.

-I have never been to a prom since where I live, schools don't have proms. I had to do research about prom and it was interesting. I love doing research! Don't judge me!

-I completed this book in the span of 34 hours which is an achievement since I had a hard time with this little cookie. Even, At Vanessa's Wedding  took me 65 hours, and I love that book over all the books I've written so far.

-This book is 190 pages long and has about 75,000 words.

-I listened to K-pop and Eurovision songs throughout the writing of this book, and most of the chapters are inspired by those songs.

-Jade is an older version of me when I didn't like attention and I was always bad at presenting something. Now, I'm a badass that doesn't give a fork! *flips a table*

-I finished writing all the chapters before 2018 but only published one chapter because I wanted to publish all the other chapters after the end of 2017. That doesn't make any sense, but don't judge me!

Well, that's about it. I hoped you enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing and editing it. I hope I get to write more and my writing becomes better.

Vote and comment what you thought about the book and if you have any more questions that were still left unanswered then you can just comment them. I'm not so sure that I would answer them all, but who knows? *shrugs* Maybe, I might surprise you and myself.

Goodbye, have a good life, peeps. :)

Stay freaking cool, and don't drink too much juice before a class project which requires presenting. XD

I Peed Myself In Front Of My CrushWhere stories live. Discover now