Chapter 1 - Shattered Glass

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Song Recommendation : Milky Chance - Fairytale

Felix's Point of View

"F-Felix" Skylar cried softly, holding my hand tightly.

"I know Sky..." I said softly and I gently wiped the streaming tear from her cheek. "Im really sorry. But.. "

"You dont love me anymore." She interrupted me. "Do you?"

I sighed heavily and said in a tear filled voice. "I will always love you, but I don't feel anything special between us anymore and we keep hurting each other." I stood up from her couch and slowly slipped my hand out of hers, I swung on my backpack and pulled my gray hoodie over my head. "I hope we can still be friends."

"M-Me too" She said crying more heavily than before.

I walked towards the door and reached out to turn the door handle. I stopped and stood frozen at the door and noticed the strange silence, I glared over my shoulder only to hear Sky crying silently into her hands. I sighed heavily, struggling to fight back my tears. I stared down towards my feet and forced myself to open the door. As door made a slight 'cling' noise behind me my heart ached from pain, I knew what we had was gone. It was over between us.

I slowly walked home with my hands tucked away in my hoodie, with a few tears rolling down from my face. It started raining when I passed underneath a lamp post and deserted park bench. I stopped walking as it started to pour, holding my face upwards as the cold water slowly embraced me. The rain concealed my tears and related to the coldness inside of me. I started to walk again after flashes of thunder began to lit up the world around me.

It wasn't long before I walked up to my house and opened the door. I slammed the door behind me as I came in and then tossed my backback across the hallway. I stood with my back against the door and pulled of my hoodie. The pain was too much and I couldn't hold it back any longer, I started to cry bitterly and slid down with my back against the door. The pain only got more intense as I started thinking about Sky and how I lost her tonight. I cried in frustration, as I ran my fingers through my soaked hair. I heard footsteps coming down from the stairs. It was Ryan, my best friend. He probably heard me slamming the door when I came in.

"Ey Buds!, how was the movie night with Sky?" Ryan said rather cheerful while eating a slice pizza.

I didn't answer.

He probably sensed something was wrong. He took I final bite out of his pizza and then came to sit next to me on the floor. "Dude are you crying? What happened?" He asked me sounding concerned.

I shook my head bitterly while clutching my soaked hair and without looking up said slowly. "Me and Sky. We. We broke up.."

"Damn. I know its rough buddy, I know but listen to me. Whats happened, happened and cant be undone. The worst is over and I'm here for you every step of the way whether you like it or not!"

I sniffed and took a deep breath as I looked up at him and said "T-Thanks buds"

"No problem that's what bros are for isn't it? To shove them of skate ramps and help them up from other non Ryan made injuries like heart break and all that crud."

I laughed a bit cause it is ironic how Ryan causes all of my scrapes, scars and bruises. "Yeah I geuss buddy."

"So.." He started slowly. "You wanna talk about it?"

I sighed. "I don't know. I don't feel like it."

"Come on. Not even a little bit?"

"Maybe. Is there any of that pizza left?"

"Uhm, No.. I ate the last slice just now. But before you say no let me persuade you with my counter offer."

"Spoken like a true lawyer." I said as begin wiping my cheeks with my hand.

"Now let me finish sir! As I was saying, I have some left over Bar One ice cream left in the fridge."

"Ice cream?"

"Yeah. Let's go. I heard it works for girls." He stood up and brushed himself off before he held out his hand to me.

"Ugh. Okay let's go." I took his hand and he helped me up. "You know just how to cheer a guy up."

"All of us has been through this buds. I was just through it earlier than you. But before we talk go get yourself some dry clothes to wear, before you get sick and die or something."

"I don't care. Maybe it's better if I do."

"Ah come on now. You don't really mean that. That's depressed Felix talking."

I went upstairs to my bedroom and took a warm shower. For a whole while. Ryan always says that the shower is basically a thinking chamber with the rain option on. It wasn't till the water turned cold that I decided to get out. I then jumped into a dry onesie. I know what you're thinking and yes, It's totally normal for a 17 year old guy to have a onesie! Besides it's snuggly and warm. Almost like a blanket giving me a hug. I then went down stairs to the kitchen where Ryan sat and waited for me with a two warm cups of hot chocolate and a tub of ice cream with a spoon sticking out of it.

I sat down diagonally across from him at the marble kitchen table. Took a sip from the mug of hot chocolate and then asked him to promise not to tell anyone. He promised then I spent a few hours telling him about what happened between me and Sky the past 7 months.

By the time I was done he simply acknowledged everything I said by agreeing with a "I understand." We both were tired and I was so emotionally exhausted that I instantly fell asleep the moment I collapsed on my bed.

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