Chapter 14 - Euphoria

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Dedicated to a friend that inspired me to think outside of the box and start writing again.. Thank You

Song Suggestion: Losing You - Vanic (Ft. Aquilo)

Ryan's Point of View

10 years ago..

I sat on the wooden chair playing with my thumbs, examining the pale halls. Not much sunlight came through the few windows in the hallway. The door next to my seat creaked open and a nun appeared from it.

"The principal is ready to see you."

I gave a heated snort and followed the nun into the principals office. His office was as pale as the hallway, but the desk was lit by a weak lamp. Infront of his desk stood a wooden seat where all of his students were supposed to sit when the principal wanted to talk to them. I only glanced at him before looking down again, I then sat down in the chair.

"Ryan. Ryan. Look at me." The principal said sternly.

I raised my head, giving him my fiercest face.

"Why did you do it Ryan?" The nun asked as she stood next to the principal.

"He was picking on him and he wouldn't stand up for himself."

"That doesn't make it right. If you see one of the children being unfair or cruel to another, you should call for help from one of the teachers or nuns.."

"And let him be bullied!?" I rudely interrupted the principal.

"You nearly bit of his ear Ryan!" The principal shouted me back into submission. "He'll need stitches! And you ruined your and his chance of being adopted!" I kept staring at my feet, feeling bad but still like I did the right thing. "You need to understand Ryan we're trying our best to find everyone here a new family and a new place to call home, and with this kind of behavior you're making it very difficult for us."

"I understand."

"Good. I hope this is the last time."

"What's my punishment this time." I raised my head.

"No punishment, cause I believe you'll be able to behave yourself and maybe even surprise me."

"Thank you Sir." I said ready to leave the office.

"But you have to apologize to the kid you hurt."


"But nothing! Now go!"

I closed the door behind me, eavesdropping on the principal and nun talking on the otherside of the dark brown door.

"We need to do something about Ryan." The young nun suggested.

"Maybe not. He may be reckless and behave badly sometimes, but he defended a poor kid today."

"And seriously injured the other child."

"That may be but he's showing some change, even if it's with semi good deeds."

I heard enough, it was hard to apreciate the nice stuff I heard from the highest person of order in our orphanage. Anger rushed through my mind like an uncontrollable forest fire.

"Hey. Hey!" I heard a small voice call from behind me.

I turned around and saw a kid shorter than me. He had light blonde hair that seemed to be darkening. I saw his one black eye and immediately knew it was the kid I stood up for. "What do you want?" I replied bluntly.

"Oh I.. I just wanted to say thank you for stopping that bully earlier."

"You don't have to thank me. I would've done the same if he said the same about my parents." I said in a lighter tone.

"He's been bullying me since he came here. I haven't seen you here before, how long have you've been here?"

"Almost a month now. You?"

"I've been here since I've been born."

"Sorry, that must be horrible."

"Not really, can't miss something you never had."

"Oh, but don't you ever wonder how it could be with parents?"

"I have, but my parents abandoned me here. Parents can't be all that great."

"It's the best. But I'll never love fake parents like I did my real parents. It just wouldn't be the same."

He gave an awkward pause, like he wasn't sure how to respond to that. "What's your name?"

"Ryan. And yours?"


"Nice to meet you Felix, you really need to learn how to stand up for yourself."

"I don't know how."

"No problem, I'll show you how." I said hitting him on his arm.

"Ow!" He moaned rubbing his arm. "Besides for the stiff arm, your not as bad as everyone says." He grinned.

"Your not bad either." I grinned.

"Follow me I've got something awesome I want to show you." Felix said jogging ahead of me. "Are you coming?"

"Sure." I said reluctantly jogging after the guy I just met. He led me into the sleeping local. Pulling a basket from underneath his bed.

"Check it out! This is how I got into the orphanage. By basket!" He joked excitedly, handing me the basket.

"Wow fancy." I joked sarcastically. "Why would you brag about this?"

"Shake it."


"Go ahead skake it."

"Why would I shake it?"

"Just do it."

I shook the basket and it made a rattle noise inside. The rattle came as a weird surprise but I tried to keep myself as neutral as possible as he stood near the window grinning. "What the?"

He took the basket from me and started fumbling wildly in the basket with one hand. "Check this out." With one brow raised a stared him down as he continued to fumble round in the basket. A satisfied smile appeared on his face when the basket made a clickity click noise. He slid his hand out of the basket clutching a small battered tin box and carefully handed it to me.

"What is this?" I asked the overly happy kid, still very confused at his actions.

"Open it. But gently please."

I gave him a stare and then turned my attention toward the tin box I was holding. It was old and covered a scratched coca cola advert. "Uhm ok?" I pressed at the lower side of the box and slid the upper half upwards. Inside the copper box was a worn brownish paper, obviously as old as the box, and four small pieces of transparent gems. I gave the box back to Felix and examined the note that rested inside of the heirloom. It read in unneat font:


I'm sorry that I'll never be able to meet you or see you grow up but Daddy and I have done many terrible things and won't be able to look after you the way we hoped to, so I left you a little present to make your future as bright as possible. Know that we will always love you, regardless of where we are.


I folded the note and returned it to its original container. I then examined the gems inside and quickly realised that it was diamonds! "Wow!"

"I know right?"

"Why are you showing me this?" I asked closing the diamonds back into the box.

"Cause your my new best friend and I trust you enough to tell you my secret."

"You met me just today?!"

"Yeah I know but your cool and I know that won't ever change."

"How could be so sure."

"I don't know. I trust my gut feelings."

"Okay so what now then?"

"We start planning buddy!"

"For what?" I ask sitting down on the bed.

"The future!"

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