Chapter 8 - Skaters Escape

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Song Recomendation: Arrows - Fences Ft Macklemore

Felix's point of view

After a long day of fun at the skatepark Ryan and I bought some snacks at the garage and chilled on top of our towns monument , sitting just underneath a huge statue of a man holding a musket with a flag strapped just underneath the bayonet high into the air. I guess its suppose to simbolize hope or something but over the years since its been built its name plate has been covered with lots of rust and moss. Its strange considering the fact that the statue still holds his polished bronze complexion.

"Man , just look at that." Ryan said as he cracked open his can of soda.

"What the sunset?" I said as I cracked open mine.

"Yeah , the perfect way to end a day." He says before taking a sip from his soda. "Just sit and chill with your best friend under the shadow of some bronze guy and stare into a huge ball of fire."

"It sounds like we're mental patients if you put it that way!"

"Well if being happy makes me crazy get me a straight jacket and send me off on the next bus to an asylum with a padded cell!"

"HaHa yeah I totally agree." I laughed before I gave him a high five.

"I've been meaning to ask you buddy , how's things going between you and Hailey ?"

"It's Ashley , To tell you the truth I dunno really. "

"What do you mean you don't know? !" Ryan asked quickly. "You did get her number at the party right?"

"Yeah I did but I haven't been talking to her since." I said as I took another sip from my soda.

"Why not?" He said turning towards me like he was interrogating me.

"I don't know if I should send her a text or something ..."

"I thought you liked her?" Ryan said as he turned his head back towards the sunset.

"I do its just ..."

"It's is just what?" Ryan interrupted me.

"Its just I don't know of she feels even partially the same about me , maybe last night was just a fling."

"A what?" Ryan asked like he miss heard me.

"Y know a fling , its when you and somoene else gets the same fuzzy feeling for a second"

"Like being attacked by a koalas?"

"Something like that."

"Maybe you should text her anyways , maybe she feels the same as you do."

"I don't know buds" I sighed.

"Look , you remember that time at the skatepark when I dared you to ramp of the flight of stairs and do a 360° heelflip on your way down?"

"Uh .. Yeah?"

"And then after loads of peer pressure I finally convinced you to do it despite you being scared you nailed that 360° degree heelflip without landing on your face in the process"

"Yeah that was epic ! But why are you telling me this ?

"Cause you'll never know if you can do it unless you try." He said as he ripped open a bag of chips."

"Well ain't you a well full of wisdom?" I said taunting slightly."

"I know right ? I accept money as payment but I'll let you off the hook cause you bought the chips."

"You're right though , I have been to scared contact her and should try to get to know her better but the qeustion is where do I start ?"

"How bout sending her a text hotshot !"

"Right!" I slip my phone out of my pocket and stare at the screen for a solid 3 seconds before snapping my head towards Ryan."What should I text her?"

"Uhm .. Invite her to a restaurant or something?"

"Doesn't that seem a bit cliché?"

"Would you rather sit next to her and watch a two hour chick flick?"

"Restaurant it is then!" I started tiping as soon as I said it.

》Ey Ash , I was wondering if you wanted to join me at Raisin cafe tonight for a smoothie ? Felix《

Ryan spied over my shoulder as I typed it and said "There you go Casanova!" as soon as I hit send.

"Now all we can do is wait." I sighed with my phone on my lap. it wasn't twenty sekonds before my phone gave a loud beeping sound.I scrambled quickly to unlock my phone to read the new text message.

》Great see you there ! :) 《

"Woohoohoo she sent a smiley !" Ryan said slapping my back.

"Argh ow ! ... I would ask you for high five but you already gave my back one!"

"You gotta tense those muscles bro , you've got a date tonight!" Ryan said as he chugged the last bit of soda from his can and crushed the can against his head before finally dunking the can in a trash can.

True Sparks (Undergoing some Editing)Where stories live. Discover now