Chapter 3 - Fading Dreams

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Song Recommendation: Sleepwalking - The Chain Gang of 1974

Ryan's Point of View

Me and Felix arrived back at the house, Felix struggled to carry the shopping bags I gave him and I closed the door behind us as Felix collapsed on our sofa ."Next time I'm closing the door and you're carrying the bags." Felix said irritated as he sank deeper into the couch.

"Sure , atleast I won't be tired ." I said tauntingly showing of some of my muscles . "Ok buddy lets go get Alex"

"You know what ? I'll just sit and chill here while you're gone." He said while making himself even more comfortable on the couch .

"Ok cool , I'll be back !" I said in a Arnold Sweizenecker acent as I opened the door. "Oh and try not to fall asleep again!"

"I promise nothing!" Felix protested.

"See you later again then couch potato!" I teased a final time. I then grabbed my backpack and skateboard and closed the door on my way out.

"Mock me now! I'm gonna take a power nap and then we'll see who's got more party power!" I heard Felix yell as through the door I closed behind me.

The streets of Lake Forest is usually quiet this time of day so I didn't have any problem with traffic. Felix and I couldn't have been given a better house to live in. Our house is uphill and 2 miles away from the skate park. In our little peaceful suburb everyone knows everyone and everyone is pretty much friendly. After a few minutes of cruising downhill I was almost at Alex's house.

I dismounted my skateboard and walked slower as I aproached her house when I saw her eye's beaming through the windows. As I came up to her door I could hear her quickly unlocking all of the locks her dad recently had put in. The moment the it went open she attacked me with a huge hug.

"Where have you've been ! ?" Alex said while she squeezed me to death .

"I was at the Mall with Felix!" I said hugging her back tightly .

"Ah, and where is this guy that kept me from seeing my boyfriend ?" She said tauntingly with her one hand on her hip and the other leaning on the door frame.

"He's busy becoming one with the couch at home."


"He's tired from carrying shopping bags the whole day ." I said grinning slightly .

"Poor Felix did you make him carry all the bags on his own like you made me do last time?"

"Hey! That was one time!"

"How is Feelix by the way? Its been a while ..."

"Yeah I know he hasn't talked much the past three months, how's Skylar holding up?"

"Not so well, she didn't handle the breakup to well and swallowed a hand full of sleeping pills the other night.." Her voice trailed of .

"WHAT!? Is she okay?" I asked in shock .

"Yeah, her mother caught her in the act and rushed her towards the hospital before it was to late"

"Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?"

"I, I" She took a deep breath and you could see how sad the situation made her feel. "I didn't want to tell you, cause I was scared Felix might blame himself."

"Should he?"

"No, No... Or atleast I don't think so. It took her a few weeks to recover from the breakup but she never really recovered. I urged her to get back on the horse and give dating a shot again but she met this guy called Zack."

"Oh no ... That guy's bad news."

"Yeah, and she kinda liked him alot but one night Zack tried to talk her into having sex with him at a house party of his, but she refused. So Zack got furious with her cause she's the first girl that said no to him. So he lied and told all his friends that she slept with him anyway, so he can save his stupid reputation. The next day at school the rumor started to spread and everyone called her the slut and Zack was praised as the unbeatable sex king. Sky felt so humilated and left school crying. When she was alone in her room she took her sleeping pills and went into the bathroom and finished the bottle in her tub."

"That's horrible !"

"Her Mom also found a note lying on her bedroom floor with something about Felix scrawled on it"

"Can I see it?"

" Im sorry, I don't have it. Her mom took it to her in the hospital ."

"Will she be okay?"

"Yeah, the doctors said that she will be healthy enough to leave the hospital Tommorow night."

"Atleast that's good news ."

"Please don't tell Felix."

"Don't worry I won't" I said before hugging her tightly once again. "In other news, guess who's been invited to a party tonight. "I said as I slipped the crinkled party invite out of my pocket .

She smiled "You?"

"Nope, we are."

She stared a while at the invite . "Im not invited, this invite's for you not me."

"Hey! Where my girlfriend goes I go, and where I go my girlfriend goes, they probably know that by now. I'm just surprised you don't know that yet!" I smiled.

"Oh yeah, I know that I just forgot!" She said smiling behind her beautiful brown hair. She stared wildly at my eyes and I stared backed at hers, she suddenly lunged up at me and kissed me firmly on my lips.

I gave her second kiss and said "Okay then beautiful be ready at 5! Me and Felix will pick you up then!"

"Who said I said yes?" She asked amused.

"I can't possibly enjoy the first party of the vacation without my better half!"

"You convinced me." She said with a huge grin under her blushing cheeks. "See you at 5."

"See you then." I winked. "Now if you can excuse me I need to go and revive a lazy potato!" I then left to get ready for the party.

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