Chapter 7 - Lucid Awakening

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Song Recomendation: Stay high (Tove Lo Flip) - Hippie Sabotage

Skylar's point of view

The faint beeping of another patient's heart monitor woke me up,  my head was leaning towards the window of the ward when I opened up my eyes. The streets were silent and the weather outside seamed gray and dull. I rolled my head away from the window onto the more comfortable side of the pillow. Alex sat beside my bed and waited for me to wake up. She read a magazine while she waited for me.

She noticed that I was awake and gently put the magazine down. "Hey you awake ?" She asked in a soft voice.

"Mmm .. I geuss so ?" I said rubbing my eyes.

"How do you feel ?" She asked sympathetically. 

"A lot better , still not great but definitely feeling better." A few nurses and doctors rushed past my bedroom with a patient in a stretcher. The event paused our conversation for short period of time.

"Cool wanna go home yet ?" Alex continued.

"Yeah let me just get my stuff." I said before I prodded myself up on the pillow with my elbows. I threw of my legs from the side of the bed and held my head tightly , it felt like I just woke up from a three month coma. Its weird considering the fact that I was hospitalized for only two weeks. I stood up from my bed when the dizziness passed and slumped over towards the bathroom to freshen myself up. I was shocked when I saw myself in the polished bathroom mirror , I looked like a entirely different person. My hair was twisted and tangled and looked a lot duller , I had bloodshot eyes that clashed with the blue of my eyes and I seemed to look a lot thinner , my cheek bones was visible and my skin slightly paler.

Who was this stranger staring back at me through the mirror ? What happened to her ? My thoughts snapped back at me after I qeustioned myself about the person that was reflected back at me.

"That's you !"

I leaned in closer to observe my own reflection. I soaked in the shock of the skeleton thin figure that was portrayed in the mirror like an ugly painting , I then turned on the tap and splashed my face with warm water to distract myself from my own sharp fanged thoughts that nawed away inside my brain. I took a shower and removed my uncomfortable hospital robe , threw on more casual threads and did my hair. When I returned towards the mirror I looked like the the stranger I saw earlier inside the mirror , only this time a bit pinker.

I went back towards the room where Alex waited for me. She was a lot quieter than usual , I geuss she wanted to show as much sympathy as possible. But the silence bothered me , it reminded me alot about the night after I tried to end the terrible pain and humiliation that Zack caused me that night. I asked Alex to carry my bags down towards her car cause I felt to weak to carry anything let alone myself down the stairs. I saw my nurse as we walked past the reception.

"You go on without me." I said to Alex as I stopped at the entrance of the hospital. "I'll be back in a second."

Alex nodded and continued to walk towards her pink mini cooper , dragging my bags behind her before tossing it back in the trunk of her car.

I walked towards my nurse at the reception. Her name was Candice , she was a obese black woman with a mother like personality. She was the one that supported and cared for me through tough nights in the hospital.  Alex and my Mom did visit regularly during visiting hours but Candice manipulated her own working hours so that she had long enough shifts to care for me when I struggled to cope with the pain and when I suffered night terrors she would be beside my bed holding my hand and reassuring me that everything will be fine.

"Hello Sky ! How are you feeling child ?" Candice asked as I approached her.

"Im feeling alot better , but my stomach still hurts when I make sudden movements. But I feel good enough to return back to civilization. Thank you for looking after me all this time , it really means alot to me !"

"Aw it was my pleasure honey !" Candice said before she suffocated me in massive hug. "I hope everything changes for the better when you get back home !"

I sighed and turned my head towards the entrance. "I really hope so too." I said weakly.

"Don't worry child , just remember this small piece of advice I'm going to give you. True love cannot be described only felt"

"What does that mean ?"

"It will come to you in time darling , God has a plan for each one us." Candice said holding her huge hand on my scrawny shoulder.

"Come on Sky ! You ready to leave yet ?!" Alex yelled from outside.

"Almost !" I yelled back. "Goodbye Candice !" I said as I gave her a final hug and walked off towards the car.

"Bye young one ! Come and say hi some time soon !" She yelled as I left.

"Don't worry I will !" I yelled back

I got in the small pink car and then Alex drove me back home , my home. It's been a long time since the last time I was there , my room feels like a distant memory of a previous home. I stared outside the window as we drove in silence towards my house , the clouds blocked out the sunshine and made the weather outside gray and gloomy , it perfectly reflected my mood. The streets was scarcely populated with people and made the city feel like a post apocalyptic abondoned suburb. The silence between me and Alex was killing me , we usually talked non stop about random stuff but now it felt like we were mourning someone's death.

She dropped me off at my house and helped me carry my bags upstairs to my bedroom without speaking a single word.

"See you again tomorrow. " She said hugging me tightly before she left.

I walked into my room and switched on my lamp. My room hadn't changed much since the last time. Everything seemed untouched even the motivational posters that littered my bedroom walls. A depression fell over me as I started reading the posters I had posted in better times.

"Keep Calm and Carry On."

"Be the best you , you can be."

"Always be positive !"

They all seemed meaningless now , all except one.

"God has a special plan for all of us."

This poster reminded me about Candice's words before I left. "Love can't be described only felt." What did this mean and why did she give me this specific piece of advice ? I geuss it didn't really matter since I'm done with relationships.

Won't let anyone break my heart again!

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