Chapter 10 - Inner Conflict

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Song Recomendation: Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men

Sky's Point of View

"What happened up there?" Alex asked me as I slid into the chair next to her.

"I don't know, I just forgot the lyrics and was to nervous to recall them, then I panicked and got off the stage before it could get worse." I said as my head swivelled around to see what my audience thought of my performance, most of them just went on continued with their own bussiness, some glared at me for split second and then returned they're attention to their own table.

"Sometimes you need to take a breath to gain of control of yourself again, Sky. You can't leap out of every tense situation you face."

Alex's words suddenly became a deaf sound underneath the sound of my heart beating down on my chest frantically, as Felix walked over toward us.

"Hey you two." Felix greeted us.

"Hey." Alex and I greeted back almost simotaniously.

"Sky! It's been forever since I saw you."

"I know right?" I giggled nervously.

"I thought it was you on stage. You're the only person I know that can sing like she's on idols. Your performance was great till that last bit, what happened up there?" Felix asked.

"Uhm, I ... I got dizzy and almost fainted, so I went off stage before that could happen."

"I'm glad you didn't though."Felix said and smiled back at me, then somoene in a purple tanktop shoved Felix out of the way and turned to reveal his face. It was Zack, pain suddenly struck through my heart paralysing me instantly.

"Hey, great song loser." Zack said before walking further towards the exit of raisin cafe.

"Hey jerk." Felix yelled after Zack.

Zack stopped at the mouth of the shop, not saying anything just standing still. He then slowly turned his head in Felix's direction and then asked "What did you just call me?"

"You heard me, Jerk .."

Zack then stampeded Felix and grabbed him by his shirts collar."I don't know who you are you stupid oke but someone should teach you who I am." Zack threatened him through his teeth.

"I know who you are, Zack. But I think you should apologise for what you said to her."

Zack's grip tightened on his collar. "Or else what loser."

"Or else I might have to teach you who I am."

Zack loosened his grip on Felix's collar and stood back and gave a chuckle, he then suddenly took a step back and swung his fist through Felix's face causing Felix to stumble and fall onto a table behind him. The entire restaurant quickly grew aware of the situation between Zack and Felix and I quickly felt responsible in some way for all of this.

Zack stared at Felix for a while before he started walking towards the exit of the restuarant again. "Hey aren't you forgetting something!?" Felix yelled as he jumped up from the collapsed table.

Zack swung around quickly. "What d'ya want loser!?"

The entire restaurant paused their activities to observe this spectacle, and I wish I could somehow stop all of this before Zack could hurt Felix even more.

"Apologise to her." Felix said wiping the blood away from the cut beneath his eye.

Zack stared at Felix with a hatred fuelled stare then noticed the restuarants customers, all staring at him with disgust. Zack's attention then turned at me, he gave me the same stare that he gave Felix but it felt twice as intense.

Zack then gave another chuckle "The hell I will." He then stormed out of the restuarant before the manager could stop him to answer for the damage he had caused.

A redhead then ran to Felix. "Are you okay!?"

I quickly joined her side to check if Felix was alright.

"Yeah it's just a small cut." Felix said covering the wound beneath his eye with his one hand.

"What where you thinking?" She asked Felix getting a napkin from our table to stop the bleeding.

"I don't know it was the rush of the moment, I felt confident going into that one but I feel pretty stupid now." Felix said pressing the napkin against the cut.

"I'm so sorry Felix I didn't .." I tried to apolgise to Felix.

"Don't worry it wasn't your fault Sky I tried to make him apologise for what he said to you, and besides I forgot for a second he was a huge hulking tower of stupid." Felix reassured me with comfort. "Oh Sky this Ashley, and Ashley this is Skylar." He introduced us to each other.

"Just call me Ash." She said giving a warm and welcoming hug.

"You can just call me Sky, Ash." I replied back mid hug. "How did you meet Felix?"

"Oh I .."

"No don't you worry about the guy that got a serving of todays special knuckle sandwich, I'm sure he's okay." Felix interrupted Ash.

"You said you're fine! Anyway where was I? Oh yeah, I met him at Sia's party and then he asked me on a date and here we are ... Barely one night out with him and his already picking fights with guys twice his size."

"Believe me, this is the first time he ever did something like that." Alex commented from behind me.

"And hopefully the last time to, damn it hurts!" He said as he checked the bloody napkin to see if the bleeding as ended yet. "I think the pain is starting to kick in, uhm Ash.. You can go back to the table again, I'll be there in a second."

"Okay then! It was nice meeting you Sky!" Ash exclaimed as she went back to their table.

"And it was nice meating you too!" I yelled back.

"Hey listen Sky, There's this motivational life speaker at our church tomorrow, Ryan and I was thinking of going to it first thing tomorrow morning and I was uhm was wondering if you and Alex could join us?" Felix stammered

"Uhm I ..." I looked at Alex, smiled and took a deep breath. "I .."

"We would love to go!" Alex jumped in.

"Great! Then I'll see you two tomorrow." Felix winked with his unwounded eye and walked away, he then turned around and said "Oh and Sky."


"Totally worth it."

"Thank you for standing up for me."

"It was my pleasure." He smiled and walked away.

"Wow..." Alex said as she sit back down again.

"Wow what?"

"What was that?" Alex asked as she prodded herself against the back of the chair.

"I wish I knew, but I can't help feeling guilty. Like all of this was my fault, cause Zack a had reason for insulting me."

"He didn't you said No because it was the right thing to do, you have moral values he doesn't. Felix was a brave from my point of view cause he was the only guy that has ever stood Zack up before, and it was all for you."

"You think so?"

"I do, but the weirdest part of all this is, is that he thinks that you were visiting your sick grandma those 2 weeks when you were in the hospital."

"Does that mean he doesn't know what happened between me and Zack?"

"Yep he doesn't know about anything, yet."

Tonight was filled with a swarm of emotions. I relived the pain and hurt I felt when Zack spread those rumors about me, I felt heartbreak when I sung on stage and I felt strange when I found out that Ash and Felix was on a date. But the thing that troubles me the most is, WHY DID FELIX STAND UP FOR ME?

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