Chapter 12 - Guardian

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Song Recomendation: M83 - Midnight City
Sky's Point of View

"Wait. Where are we going exactly?" Alex asked.

"I told you. You have to take me the hospital!"

"I heard you saying something about the hospital but the rest of it sounded like murmurs from Michael Schumacher, could you remind me why we should go to the hospital?"

"I heard the quote that Miss. Marshall ended the service with before. I think I heard it from Candice."

"And why do we need to go there so urgently?" Alex said slowing down her car. "For all that we know she might not even be working today."

"She should be there. There wasn't a day that she wasn't at the hospital. She was there for me every night and day when I felt the illest."

"That's cool and all but that doesn't answer my question. Why do we need to see her?" Alex questioned speculatively.

"I know this is gonna sound nuts but I need to ask her what she meant by it."

"Meant by what?"

"By true love cannot be described only felt."

"Why do you need to know that?"

"It's been bothering me lately like an unsolved riddle. I just need to know." I said almost in a whisper.

"Okay I guess I understand Sky." Alex said with a familiar type of sympathy as we approached the hospital."

We jumped out of the car. It felt almost as if I could run, but I walked patiently like I knew the answers to some of my qeustions was waiting just as patiently inside for me. "Excuse me, can you please call one of the nurses to the reception for me?" I asked a kind looking receptionist.

"Ofcourse. Which nurse are you looking for?" She asked as she slided to a computer near her on a office chair.

"Nurse Candice."

"And who should I say is looking for her?"

"Uhm, Skylar."

Alex tapped me on my shoulder. "Are you sure she will remember and recognise you?"

"I'm pretty sure she will." I reassured Alex silently over my shoulder.

"Excuse me, Skylar I think you might have the wrong hospital." The receptionist said.

"Why would you say that?" I asked rather confused.

"There's no Candice working in this hospital."

"Are you sure?!" I asked surprised. "Can't you double check or something?"

"I already checked our work rosters for the nurses on the system twice and I haven't found any Candice working in this hospital."

"It can't be!" I exclaimed in shock. "I remember her treating me in this very hospital."

The nurse shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know then maybe you got her name wrong."

"Sky, she's not here." Alex said as she put my hand on my shoulder. I realised that Candice wasn't there. I thanked the receptionist and we left. "So where to now?"

"Let's head back to the church and pick Ryan and Felix up."

"I doubt their still there."

"We've been gone for like 10 minutes, I believe they will still be there." As we drove up in the driveway of the church we see Ryan sitting on a bench juggling some rocks out of boredom.

"Where did you two disappeared off to?" Ryan said with a grin as he stood up from the bench.

"We went to see Miss.Marhsall's sister." I answered back.

"Let me guess you didn't find her, did you?"

"Yeah how did you know?" Alex asked as she closed her cars door behind her.

"Cause her sisters been dead for almost eight years now."

"What?! How did she die?" I asked surprised.

"10 years ago she discovered that she had grown a cardiac tumor. She knew she hadn't alotta time left when the therapy and treatment proved unsuccessful so she went from to home to spread the word of God. I was only 6 when she came to visit us. After a year passed she grew iller by the day, but still she helped people where she could. Until one day she collapsed while singing in the choir. They rushed her to the nearest hospital, Saint Mary's Hospital. But she died at the mouth of the hospital. Her last words was barely heard as she whispered it through a broken smile. Love.Never.Fails."

I gave a gasp and clasped my hands around my mouth.

Alex in attempt to shatter the atmosphere the story gave asked Ryan where Felix was.

"Oh he hitched a ride with Ashley, and I decided to leave them alone." Ryan winked.

"Oh good for him." I said almost prominently. Trying to hide a feeling I didn't want to feel...

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