Chapter 13 - Closed Doors

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Song Recomendation: Where Are You Now (Mark Chill Remix) - Mumford & Sons
Felix's Point of View

"Nice house." I said as I walked through Ashley's living room. Her living room was painted grey and the closed maroon curtains tinted the whole room and it's rich mahogany furniture in a shade of red.

"I know right? My dad and I moved here a week ago." Ashley said as she sat down on one of the couches. She patted the seat next to her, inviting me to sit next to her.

"That explains the boxes." I said as I sat down beside her.

"Yeah. It's a pain to unpack those things."

"From where did you guys move from?"

"Nowhere in particular, my Dad and I jump from place to place."

"So I assume you're kind of used to starting over?"

"Yeah you could say that, but hopefully this is the last time we move. I'm sick of leaving people behind and I think this is as good as any place to call home. Permanently."

I rested my hand on her lap and said. "If it means anything.. I hope you stay here too."

She gave a smile and in twined her fingers with mine. "It means a lot to me." She then gently slipped her fingers out of mine and stood up and said in a less cheerful voice. "But I also I hope I don't have too leave everyone I've met here behind again."

I opened my mouth as if I was going to reassure her that it won't happen this time, but closed it again after realizing that any attempt to comfort her may someday turn into a false promise.

"On a lighter note!" She exclaimed in her normal cheerful voice. "How bout you show me around the city?"

I jumped up and stood beside "Yeah definitely! So where do you want to go first?"

"I dunno genuis! I'm the don't know lots of places! I'm the tourist round these parts and your my tour guide!" She taunted playfully.

"Ok uhm lets see, mmm.. You've been at our church and Raisin Café so.. Ha! I got it!" I exlaimed snapping my fingers as I got the idea.

"You got what?"

"It's a surprise!"

"Hehe okay then let me just go get something more comfortable to wear than this dress." She said as she pulled a pin out of her hair, freeing her hair instantly causing it to swing infront of her glasses.

"So I have to wear a tux while you go casual?"

Her eye's scanned me from bottom to top. "Yeah! It gives your tour guide character a 007 vibe to it." She taunted me before she headed to her bedroom.

While she went to get something more 'casual' to wear, I wandered aimlessly trough their home. It seemed like they already unpacked most of their stuff from the boxes but there was still few one's left here and there. Just outside the kitchen stood three stacked boxes and the top one stood open but the only item visible on the styrofoam and bubble wrap was a small photo frame. I picked it up and inspected it, it was a picture of Ashley and an old muscular man I could only assume is her father at what looked like a massive cliff. She standed dangerously close to the edge of the cliff, arms spread wide and her dad hugging her from behind. As I examined the picture more closely I noticed that she was a little younger, and both of their smiles seemed as if it could never be tamed.

"Hey what are you doing inside our boxes?" Ashley asked from behind me.

I turned my attention away from the portrait and saw her wearing a loose white shirt with a pink tanktop underneath, a skinny black jean, a pair of white All Star sneakers and finally a woven straw fedora. "Oh I.. I was spelunking! That's what we tour guides do, we spelunk."

True Sparks (Undergoing some Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant