Chapter 6 - Sparkling Daze

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Song Recomendation: Sleepy Tea - Hold on to your breath

Felix Point of View

"What an epic night !" Ryan proclaimed as I closed the door behind us.

"Tell me about it ! Altough we missed the opportunity to blow up that picaso elephant."

"That was the best possible way we could've started the vacation." Ryan said whilst tucking his skateboard in behind the door.

"And it just gets better." I said smirking at Ryan.

"What do you mean it just gets better ?" Ryan asked me with one eyebrow raised.

"Come on follow me." I led Ryan towards the kitchen and slipped out four brochures out of one of the cupboards and threw them onto the table infront him.

Ryan grabbed one of the brochures and started inspecting it , his eyes flashed from left to right. "What's this ?"

"It's a two week trip to Mauritius !" I said casually and waited in anticipation for Ryan's reaction.

He stared at the brochure with wide eye's and his mouth slowly dropped open as he turned his head towards me. "Your joking ..." Ryan uttered at me.

"Nope , True story bro."

"How did you get these ?" Ryan said shaking the vacation voucher in his hand.

"You remember that time I played online on a eSports tournament for 48 hours straight ?"

"Yeah ?"

"Yeah well I won 2nd place and got four vouchers to Mauritius as a prize."

"That's great dude ! Why didn't you tell me ?"

"What can I say ? I like suprises." I shrugged. "I thought me , you and Alex could go."

"That's an awesome idea !" Ryand grabbed me. "Thanks bro."

"Uhm Ok." I coughed as Ryan sqeeuzed me to death. "Dude ... Your crushing my bones."

He released me. "What about the fourth one ?"

"Huh ?"

"What are you going to do with the fourth voucher ?"

"Mmm ... I geuss I'll think of something to do with it." I said leaning with my one arm on the kitchen table and rubbing my eyes with the other one.

"What about the girl at the party ?" Ryan asked folding his arms grinning at me.

"Oh Ash ? She's awesome ! But I dunno if I wanna invite her yet."

"Why not ?"

"I dunno it's too early to decide." I said as I placed the 4 Mauritius vouchers back into the cupboard. "Coffee ?"

"Yeah sure."

I scrambled around for ingredients and started making some in the coffee maker.

"So when are we planning to go to Mauritius ?" Ryan asked me before making a loud annoying yawn.

"In week from now , next friday."

"Doesn't give you much time to decide who you should take with us."

"Nah , I don't need that much time to decide." The coffee maker made a loud ping noise when it was done. I yawned loudly as I removed the coffee from the machine. "I mean it takes a split second to make a decision , and I don't necessarily have to take someone with." I handed Ryan his coffee and we both sipped from our cups.

"True , True. Bro this coffee's helping but I'm still fading fast , so I think I'm heading to bed."

"Yeah that doesn't sound like a bad idea."

"Night buds." Ryan said as he slouched out of the kitchen.

"Night !" Ryan started walking upstairs as I switched of the kitchens lights , I followed him shortly afterwards and we both went into our respective rooms. I opened my bedroom windows and drank the last bit of my coffee. I threw my feet onto the bed and switched of my reading lamp , my dark blue bedsheets was still illuminated beautifully by the moonlight and the cold wind that bristled through the leaves made my bed even more inviting.

I sank deeper into the bed when the cold wind slipped down in between my bedsheets , sending a chill down my spine. I stared up towards my rooms ceiling and started thinking about Ash and how amazingly weird she is. Emphasis on the 'weird'. She really is weird , but in a good way y'know?

She's beautiful even though she's pale with red hair. Her glasses were like windows displaying a set of beautiful green emerald crystals. She's shy at first but as soon as she gets comfortable around you , she'll start to unbox her fun and innocent personality that would do nothing but make you smile at her cute jokes. I really like her alot and I have the idea she already feels the same way after the brief time we spent together at the party.

She makes me feel all weird inside , but still there's a unsettling feeling that doesn't quite make sense. It feels like something wrong , like something missing. I feel an empty feeling inside my chest , like a gaint hole that I can't get rid of.

I turned towards my bedroom window and started to apreciate the unnatural silence after a night where music dominated the night time sky. I stared out at the stars and tried to figure out what caused this discomforting feeling I felt , but it wasn't long before my eyes gave up on me.

I fell asleep as I gazed at the sky.

True Sparks (Undergoing some Editing)Where stories live. Discover now