Chapter 4 - Neon Lights

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Song Recomendation : Glow in the Dark - The Wanted

Felix's point of view

''Felix ... Felix ... Felix''

''Huh ? ... ''

''Wake up dude , you dont wanna miss the party do you ?'' Ryan said as he shaked me by my shoulder .

''Uhm I don't know . I'm pretty tired bro .'' I yawned before i continued talking . ''I guess not?''

''Then WAKE UP !!!'' he yelled into my ear and shook me violently until I fell of the comfy couch .

"Ok Ok jeez .. I'll get up , just give me a sec to shower and stuff."

"Cool , just hurry up ok ? "

A Few Minutes Later ...

"You Ready Yet ? !" I heard Ryan yelling from downstairs .

"Yeah ! Almost done !" I sat on my bed and slipped on my favourite pair of sneakers , my bedroom was filled with tons of posters of my favourite games and a glass cupboard filled to the brim with rare comics and graphic novels . Some people may call it the bedroom of a super nerd but I for one think its paradise . I could go on and on how unappreciated and amazing my room is but ...

"FELIX !!! Hurry up dude we're going to be late ."

I've got Ryan breathing down my neck ... "IM ON MY WAY DOWN !!!" I yelled as I rushed down the stairs and grabbed my skateboard leaning next to the stairs . "Is there sand in your underwear or something ? You've been yelling since you woke me up ."

"Sorry man , you just have a bad habit of taking your time when doing stuff , you're not very punctual ." Ryan said as he grabbed his skateboard .

"Punctual ? ! Did you swallow a dictionary or something ?"

"Shut up , I watch Law and Order sometimes with Alex ." He said annoyed "You ready to go yet ?"

"Yeah , I just hope Sia's ready for the awesome bomb that is us !" We then took our skateboards and went to Sia's party. A half hour later we arrived at the address on the invite .

"You're sure this is the place ?" Ryan asked after kick flipping his skateboard into his hand .

"Yeah I think its kinda obvious buddy , don't you see the huge birthday banner on top of the gate ?" A huge trumpet like noise came from inside the huge yard. "Did you hear that ?"

"Probably just some fancy marching band or sumtin . Lets just go inside dude and enjoy the party."

I stared at him as I grabbed the gates handle and said in my deepest and most serious voice . "We Go In ..."

"We Blow Stuff Up ... " He said in his signature James Bond voice .

"We Leave ... " We said simontaniously .

"Alright lets do this biz !" I yelled as I shoved the gate open . We weren't greeted by fancy bodyguards or bouncers , we were greeted by amazing sights of huge fountains , bouffets , a large swimming pool and neon themed decorations and all of this was topped of with a beautiful sunset on the horizon . A huge silhouette emerged from the sun soaked horizon , the strange figure later revealed itself to be Sia riding a asian elephant painted in variety of neon colors and Sia herself wearing a unique foreign neon belly dancer outfit that would cause any guys eyes to lock on her with huge discomfort . She's hot don't get me wrong but , I personally prefer a normal outfit on a girl and the belly dancer attire just didn't suit her quite that well .

"Welcome to my sweet 16 guys !" Sia exclaimed from atop the odly colored elephant.

"Thanks its great to be here !" Ryan shouted back at her .

"Thanks for inviting us ." I shouted after Ryan .

"My pleasure and thanks for coming , make your selves at home and enjoy the party !" She yelled in reply and rode of into the fading sunset with her elephant .

"An elephant really ?" I said glaring at Ryan .

"Yeah I know right ." He said as he glared back at me "But you gotta admit , that painted elephant was pretty impressive ."

"Yeah ..." I said as I stared at Sia's huge companion , I suddenly got a grim idea and mischievous expresion on my face and stared back at Ryan . "Should we blow it up ?"

Ryan looked at me confused for a moment and then shook his head , grabbed me by the shoulder and whispered "Later when the opportunity is right ."

I sighed and asked Ryan "So ... What should we do now ?"

"Relax buddy , let everything come naturally ! Don't be so nervous !"

"What ? Me ? Nervous Pffff ... I'm not scared of anything !" I said confidently .

"Well then you won't mind if I ask you to talk to Bonnie then ?"

I turned around and saw Bonnie standing at the Tiki Bar with a bunch of her friends . Bonnie is the most stunningly beautiful girl on the cheerleader team and perhaps our school . Bonnie has the friendliest personality and a spirit that would instill life into the most coldest of people . Bonnie turned her head towards my direction and waved , I waved back at her and her friends all started to giggle silently , I grew confused and slowly stopped my awkward waving only to be shoved out of the way by a huge jock named Zack . I don't get how huge muscles makes somoene such a jerk.

"Jerk ." Ryan said behind me .

"That's weird I was kinda thinking the exact same thing ." I said as I rubbed my shoulder .

Ryan grabbed me by arm and turned me around ."Seems like Mr.Iron does fear 'anything' !" Ryan said looking very smug .

"You call that 'anything' " I said and pointed with my thumb over my shoulder towards Bonnie .

"I'm talking about Zack ."

"Oh Yeah , but thats cause he's a huge mass of towering meat !"

"Some people told me rumours that he used steroids a while back and spreads false lies of chicks sleeping with him ."

"That's kinda pathetic bro . But let's forget about the idiots and drama queens and enjoy the night!"

The sun had completely sunk in behind the horizon by now , allowing the neon colours to glow to their full potential . The upbeat music roared above the conversations of the crowd . The water of the fountains , slides and pools started to glow bright colours that changed throughout the night . The lasers shifted to every beat of the top electronic music the DJ had to offer . These aesthetics made a perfect atmosphere for an outdoor club that had no supervision by strict parents or stuck up people , only the moon to watch silently over us .

Alex arrived later at the party , and Sia didn't seem to mind at all .

"Ey Felix , Alex and I hooked you up with a blind date !" Ryan shouted above the music .

"Ah no really ?" I moaned .

"Chill ! It'll be fine as long as you use the dance moves I thought you earlier ! ." Alex yelled next to Ryan .

"Ok fine , I hope she isn't completely blind ..."

True Sparks (Undergoing some Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant