Iki Town

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It had been a while since I was last in Alola. I desperately needed a break from the region after all the drama with Necrozma and the Ultra Beast. I'll admit, Kalos was very elegant and I saw why Johto was the inspiration for Malie, but nothing beat the sand and the sun of Alola. I left 7 years ago, leaving my Pokemon with my mom. Burying my face in Incineroar's warm fur was amazing. The scent was smokey but nostalgic. I especially missed it's strong, muscular arms. I instantly knew what, or rather who I really needed.

The journey to Iki Town was a major trip down memory lane. The flowers were beautiful and the scent of sea breeze filled the air. I loved that heat on my skin, but I wanted another person's heat on my skin. Iki Town was still as cute as could remember. Quaint and charming, with the battle stand in the middle. I got a few tips from neighbors that my dear friend, Hau, was still in his grandfather's house. I knocked on the door and was greeted by Hau. 7 years did him well, Hau was gorgeous! Tall, tan and muscular, plus he was wearing that stupid ponytail well.

"It's been a long time Mono," Hau said.

I could only stare at him in awe. Maybe I was just deprived of action, but I wanted to pounce on Hau right there in the doorway. I was taken for a bit of a loop when he said "Mono," but I remembered I never told him my real name. I don't trust people that easily and always give them that crazy alias. I cleared my throat and regathered my thoughts. "It has been quite some time Hau. May I come in?"

He motioned for me to follow him inside and I obliged. We took a seat next to each other in the front room. It sat silent for a little before Hau began speaking.

"So, how were your travels?" He asked.

"Ah- they were nice. You should see Hoenn, lots of water. Made me a bit homesick," I said and chuckled.

Hau nodded while I spoke. "I would love to see the other regions one day, and try all the different foods, but I'm restricted to here."

"Why is that?" I inquired.

"I'm the kahuna here now," Hau said and smiled.

"That's amazing Hau! I am so happy for you!"

"Yeah, Tutu has been really busy since joining the Elite Four, it wasn't that surprising when the Island Guardian chose me," Hau stated.

I was really proud of Hau. I knew he would make a great Kahuna. He was always so kind and had so much fun battling. I really missed battling Hau, but I missed his company more.

"Hey Hau, this is probably sudden, but we should travel together again like we are doing our island challenge," I said.

Hau's face lit up when I mentioned that, "I would love to travel with you. There aren't any 11-year-olds this year and Tutu comes down to do the sumo. It will be so much fun, as long as you are prepared for a battle every now and again."

I nodded, a smirk creeping onto my face. "I'm fine with the battles, but there is one tiny stipulation with it."

"What is that?" Hau asked.

"You'll find out later. Come on, our journey should start at Kukui's house. It's been too long since I've seen the professor."

Hau and I both got up from the seating and left the house. Before making our way to Kukui's, we made a pit stop at my house, where I picked up Muk and Incineroar. I figured I would pull the other Pokemon from my box later. It did not take long to get to Kukui's and there were hardly any Pokemon out to bother us. Hau tapped on the door for Kukui's place but got no response. Hau then tried the handle and we were able to get inside. It was strangely quiet. I called out to the professor, with no response. We did a quick search and found a letter from Kukui. Apparently, he went on vacation... with his wife. I hated his wife. She didn't do anything to me, but I hated the fact Kukui was married. I was madly in love with him when I was younger. Those abs and that cute little bun had me shook. I sighed and looked at Hau, who stared back at me curiously, then I had a thought.

"Hey Hau, I wanna show you something," I said and motioned for him to follow. He gave a quick nod and obeyed. I settled in front of a small ladder and began climbing it. Hau followed, getting a full view of what was under my tiny skirt. It almost felt like his eyes were burning deep into my panties. That little pervert, I never expected him to look that hard. Once I reached the top, I walked around the tiny loft. Hau came up soon and stood beside me.

"Is this what you wanted me to see?" He asked.

"Yeah. What do you think of the view," I responded.

"Very nice..." He said, his voice trailing.

"So you liked what you saw under my skirt then?" I asked and stared straight into Hau's eyes. A blush flooded his tan face and he was obviously busted. I really didn't care that he was looking, actually, I was glad he was looking. If he was already interested, it would make it a whole lot easier to pounce on him. Hau still didn't respond, only looking shocked and flustered at the same time.

"You don't have to answer that Hau. I already know," I said and pointed towards his crotch. The erection was obvious. He threw his hands down to cover it and I shook my head. I did not expect Hau to be this cute when busted. I started to giggle. "I don't know how you using harden had the same effect as attract, but I will gladly show you a move I learned from Lickilicky."

Hau looked slightly puzzled but had no time to respond once I pushed him onto the futon. I made quick work of his pants, exposing the sturdy Onix inside.

"Oh my Hau, this is a big boy. I hope I can handle all of it," I said, gently rubbing the Onix. The blush on Hau's face never wavered, but he was shaking a little. It was like he had never done this before. I could not wait to taste him and instantly had the "onix" in my mouth, my tongue moving as if really trained by the Pokemon. I heard a small gasp from Hau, while I got busy servicing him. All those sweet malasadas him justice, Hau was tasty and I could not resist licking and sucking on every bit of his skin. He was starting to leak from the tip, much to my dismay, I wanted to ride Hau like a Tauros. I continued sucking and stroking until he spilled moo moo milk all into my mouth and over my face. When I was able to look at him, his entire face was red and his eyes were wide.

"I-I'm really sorry Mono, I didn't expect that!"

I swallowed what was in my mouth and smiled. "Don't worry about it. I'll just punish you on the battlefield, Kahuna Hau," I said.

Hau quickly covered himself up and leaped off the futon. "I'll go get you a towel... then we should definitely leave. We can't mess up Kukui's house."

He slid down the ladder while I waited for him. The wet rag could not come soon enough. I wiped my face clean and smirked. Hau was still blushing and looking all cute. Damn did I want to pound him, but it was clear he was not comfortable doing it here. We both descended the ladder and left Kukui's place.

"Where are we headed next?" I asked him.

"How could you forget?! Hau'oli City of course!" Hau exclaimed.

I nodded and smiled, then we went on our way.

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