Lush Jungle

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The daytime was refreshing, and I was excited to see Mallow. I had to give her praise for such delicious food. Unfortunately, praise wasn't the only thing I needed to serve. Hau really hurt me when he made that snide remark and he was not off the hook, even if I acted like everything was fine. He must have sensed the tension and anger though, he moved around like he was on eggshells and hardly interacted with me. We stayed silent while getting ready and even as we walked to the jungle. Upon entering, we quickly spotted the Akala Captains.

"Alola Mono and Kahuna Hau!" Mallow called.

I simply waved in response, while Hau actually spoke. I had a lot on my mind and tuned out most of the conversation, only tuning in for Mallow's request: collecting ingredients in the forest. I hated the trial the first time I had to do it. I couldn't even get an eye roll out before being led into the vast jungle.

"Mallow said she needs Honey, a Big Root, and some Mushrooms. She forewarned of Pokemon being attached to certain items and possibly attacking... are you listening?" Hau asked.

I stared at Hau's face stoically, rolled my eyes and continued walking. This trial bothered me and I was still pissed at Hau; honestly, I was just going through the motions. I heard an audible sigh from Hau, then he spoke, "Are you still upset about what I said?"

I refused to respond, but I did stop walking and looked at the ground. Hau crept up beside me, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm sorry Mono, I shouldn't have said tha-"

Before Hau could finish, I forced myself out of his embrace. I turned away from him, then finally spoke, "That really hurt Hau. Why would you make a joke like that after I told you what happened to me?"

"I... I don't really know. I mean, I guess I didn't evaluate what I was saying before it came out. I can be a real idiot," Hau responded.

"Maybe I need to reevaluate this relationship!" I shouted, then stormed off deeper into the forest. I needed some time alone, away from Hau to really think about things. I sat on a fallen over tree, face in hands, attempting to cry. As much as I wanted too, I just couldn't. I was still way too angry. Incineroar must have felt my anger since it burst out of its Pokeball. I didn't feel the strength to look at it, but that didn't stop it from embracing me. I would have fought it off, but Incineroar's warmth was comforting.

We sat together silently, listening to the noise of the jungle. My mind was racing, but I couldn't talk to Incineroar, for obvious reasons, but the company was nice. I heard a growl come from Incineroar and poked my head up. The trees were shifting a bit and a huge Lurantis appeared. Incineroar stood up, ready to fight, but the Lurantis left. Incineroar sat back down next to me. I gave it a much-deserved pet. Incineroar was a great Pokemon and knew how to comfort me when I was down. I wish I had taken it with me when I traveled, things may have been different. The Lurantis reappeared, this time with Mallow in tow.

"There you are! I was worried sick about you," Mallow said.

"I just needed some alone time is all. I'm fine."

"Not according to what Hau told us. He's pretty bent out of shape too."

"It's his fucking fault! I just don't know what to do."

"What did he do?" Mallow asked, taking a seat next to me on the fallen tree.

"He made a joke out of a terrible experience I had. What makes it worse, is it was right after I told him what happened. It's like he didn't listen to what happened to me!"

"Hmm... well... if he hurt you that bad, break up with him. Simple as that. Don't let that devilishly handsome man kill your joy. Let him be someone else's problem."

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