Wela Volcano

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“Smell that powerful air! I know you feel the spirit of the volcano Mono!” Hau shouted.

“I can’t breathe in smoke Hau. I mean yeah, I use a lot of Fire-types, but smoke is bad for my lungs,” I stoically responded.

Hau started to laugh, then he got suddenly serious. “We should fly to the top.”

“No way! We didn’t have Charizard Fly before Kiawe’s trial, so we are gonna walk up there.”

“No, Mono, you don’t understand. Things have changed here.”

“Let’s go Hau. I’m excited!” I shouted and charged right in. Hau obediently followed behind me.

I should have listened to Hau. That quick path I was used to changed completely. I was a winding cave now, filled with trainers and Pokemon. Hau and I ended up lost and tired in that massive volcano cave. We stopped for a break in the quiet, secluded part of the cave, drinking Fresh Waters and eating a few snacks we had packed away.

“I’ll admit it Hau, you were right. We should have flown,” I said.

“Yeah, but I never mind getting lost with you Mono. Besides, this is a good time to just… talk.”

“Okay… What do you wanna talk about Hau?”

“Ah… I don’t know. Is there any need to catch up? I have a decent idea of what you were doing while you were away.”

“You never told me what you were doing during that time. I’m certain you didn’t just suddenly become Kahuna.”

Hau looked away from me, then down at the ground. “I wasn’t at my best while you were gone Mono. Actually things were really bad for me. On the day you left, I went down to your house, hoping to spend another fun day with you and your mom told me you left. I went running, as fast as I could to that marina, but I still wasn’t fast enough. I saw the ferry sailing away. I cried out for you Mono. I jumped and screamed and flailed my arms, but you didn’t see me.”

Hau paused there. I saw a tear trail down his cheek, and he quickly wiped it away. “I ended up crying down there. I couldn’t figure out what I did wrong to make you leave. If I had known, I would have wanted to with you. Is that why you never told me? I asked myself so many questions, most of them being why. Ilima came and helped me back home, but by then I was already numb. I stayed in the bed for weeks. Not even Decidueye could help me feel better.”

Hau stopped again and I heard him sniffle. More tears ran down his face. I didn’t expect Hau to get so emotional. He then resumed talking.

“Tutu relinquished his Elite Four duties to Molayne and came down to comfort me, but it hurt too bad. Eventually, I was able to go outside again, but it didn’t happen until… your mom came to visit me. She brought me a postcard, that I still hold on to.”

Hau reached into his bag and pulled out that old card. It was the one I sent from Hoenn. I couldn’t remember the message on the back, but Hau read it aloud.

“Hey Mom. This is the first of many postcards. Hoenn is beautiful, or at least what I’ve seen of it. I chose my first Pokemon here. It’s called a Torchic. It’s so cute and it has these little feathers on its head. Reminds me of Hau, so much so that I actually nicknamed it Hau. I have a feeling we are going to be best friends.”

Hau sighed and put the postcard away. “It may not have seemed like much to you, but it meant the world to me. You still thought about me and I knew if any Pokemon of yours deserved to be named after me, they had to be strong and in turn, I had to get stronger. I spent most of years training with Tutu. My Pokemon and I got stronger. I was made into the Kahuna last year, it was such a proud moment.”

Pokemon: Ultra Smutty and Ultra MatureDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora