Melemele Grand Trial

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My nerves were on edge the whole ride to Iki Town. I was extremely excited for the battle against Hau. When I looked at him, he looked calm and collected, like it was just another battle. But this was more than just a battle. If I won, rather, when I won, the victory stipulation would come into effect and I had a plan to guarantee me a win. We arrived in Iki Town to a surprise gathering of all the villagers, as well as my mom and Zoroark. Even Hala came down from his Elite Four duties to be there. Hau and I dismounted the Tauros and walked into the village.

"What is all this?" Hau asked.

"Sorry! I just had to tell everyone about what you and Mono were doing," Mom responded.

Hala marched his way towards us and let out a hearty laugh. "I am excited to see your battle against the Kahuna Mono. Don't go easy on her just because she's your friend Hau. Tapu Koko is always watching you know."

The idea of Tapu Koko always watching made both Hau and me blush. If it could talk, the things it would say about what Hau and I have done. I shook the thought off and focussed on the battle that was coming soon. The crowd wasn't very large, but I knew they expected a good show. Hau nodded to what his grandfather said and we both went to the battlefield. I remembered the first time I battled on there. My nerves were just as rattled then as they were now. I took a few deep breaths and clutched Incineroar's Pokeball. Hau did his signature stretches while Hala approached the battlefield. Hala stood in the middle and served as referee. Taking the sumo stance and with a quick shout, the battle started.

The first two on the field were Decidueye and Incineroar. I had a total advantage over Hau, and Incineroar didn't give any slack to the Pokemon it just stood beside. It was in a fury of fire that Decidueye fainted. We returned both of our Pokemon and let out the next set: Raichu and Muk, both of the Alolan variety. Hau's Raichu was a speed demon and Muk was definitely struggling, but it caught the Raichu in one hell of a Brutal Swing taking the annoying rat out. The villagers cheered as our last two Pokemon were sent out. I couldn't resist but smile when I saw Hau's Noivern. It was in for quite the surprise. I let Altaria out of the Pokeball. There was a brief silence, followed by a few whispers. Even Hala was taken aback by it.

"Who's that Pokemon?" Hau asked.

"This is Altaria. A super fluffy friend I picked up while in Unova. It is a Dragon and Flying-type Pokemon, making it even against Noivern," I responded.

"Alright. Let's see what dragon will come out on top!" Hau shouted and Altaria and Noivern instantly took to the sky. Their attacks moved as fast as they did, swirling in the sky in true dogfight fashion. In one instance the two were face-to-face, dragon power in between forming a massive ball as it stacked against them, until it exploded, sending both dragons crashing to the ground. From the smoke the two titans stood, injured, but ready to continue. I saw Hau shift his stance and opportunity struck.

"You know Hau," I started, "Z moves aren't the only way to bring out the full potential of a Pokemon."

"What do you mean?"

"With a bond strong enough, a Pokemon can go beyond their limits. Beyond their final evolution."

Hau still looked a bit confused when I moved my hair back away from my ear, revealing the Mega Keystone I had attached to an earring. I squeezed the keystone and said, "Mega Keystone, respond to the bond between Altaria and I. Take its power beyond the limits. Mega Evolve!"

The luminous light shined from the keystone and connected with Altaria's Altarianite collar started to glow beneath the fluff on its chest and it mega evolved. There were a few "oohs" from the crowd as they marveled at my giant cloud dragon, but the enchantment was short lived once Hau started to dance. I heard him yell out, "Devastating Drake!" and Noivern responded.

It was a massive explosion of draconic energy directed straight at my poor Altaria, who I let stand there. There was an audible gasp from the crowd when the attack landed, completely engulfing it. A smile crept onto my face, something I knew no one there understood until the smoke settled. Mega Altaria still stood there, completely unfazed. Hau's face changed from confident, to almost Gastly.

"No! How is that possible!" He inquired.

I started to chuckle, but it evolved into a witch's cackle. "Sorry Hau, this one becomes Fairy and Dragon when it Mega Evolves. Your Devastating Drake had no effect!"

The crowd gasped again and started to whisper. Mega Altaria looked back at me, fully understanding what was next. A fiendish smile slid onto my face and I shouted to the heavens, "Now Mega Altaria, Hyper Beam!"

Mega Altaria pulled on every fiber of its being to summon all of its power for this Hyper Beam. The blast that flew from its beak was so powerful, that Hala moved Hau away from the field once it was released. Noivern was too exhausted from the Z move to avoid the attack and was fully caught in it. The attack sent it flying off the stage with a powerful bang. It wasn't even necessary for Hala to declare the battle over, it was obvious and Mega Altaria went back to its simple form. I walked past Altaria, giving it a nice pat on the head and walked off stage to where Noivern was, gently picking it up. Poor baby, maybe I was too hard on it. The crowd was silent, Hala was silent, and Hau was shook. I walked back over Hau with Noivern in my arms.

"Its gonna need a good rest Hau," I said. Hau shakily pulled out Noivern's ball and returned it.

I returned Altaria to its ball and stretched, then looked up at the sky. I swore I could see Tapu Koko flying through the dark. The Island Guardian let out a loud cry, signifying it was overhead, and it instantly went from a silent fear to screaming and cheers. It was like someone used Happy Hour. Hala let out a thunderous laugh and Hau let out a nervous chuckle.

"The Island Guardian has cheered for the victor Mono! It is time to celebrate!" Hala shouted. The rest cheered on and quick celebration ensued. There was a nice feast, with music and dancing. Amongst the party, I finally got a chance to talk to Hau. He still looked royally shook, but he did smile when he saw me.

"You really have changed Mono," Hau said.

"The fierce battles will do that to you, Hau. I hope Noivern will be alright."

"With some rest, it will be ready to fight you again. I have to applaud your strategy."

"Thank you," I said with a blush. "I'll tell you about the stipulation tomorrow. You know how I am with the night time."

"Oh. There is extra room at Tutu's house, would you like to spend the night there?" Hau asked.

"Uh..." I looked around for my mom and fortunately did not see her. "Yeah, let's go now. I'm really tired."

Hau smiled and nodded, then he took my hand and led me away. He found me a nice room inside the house, with an extra comfy looking bed. I plopped right in the middle of it, getting sucked into the comfort. Hau chuckled at me then said, "I going to ask your mom for some clothes, so you can change in the morning. Sleep well."

He left after that and I settled into the bed. It was maybe 3 minutes later that he walked back into the room, but without clothes. His face seemed odd, so I got up and walked over to him.

"Is something wrong Hau?" I asked. There was no response. So far when Hau didn't answer me, I would do something to jar a response, so in true Mono fashion, I gave him a quick kiss on his soft lips. Hau's eyes widened and he grabbed me in his arms, kissing my cheeks in quick bursts. I giggled and squirmed when he started to kiss my neck, Hau had never been so energetic about my flirting before. Then he pulled a really kinky move and bit me on the neck. That little bite made my Cloyster moist.

"Oh Hau, I didn't know you were into biting," I said. Hau responded with a very hushed laugh, one that almost sounded similar to... wait a minute. Hau never laughed like that. This was not Hau in this room.

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