Konikoni City

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When I woke up, I rolled over and gave my bedmate a sleepy kiss. I didn't realize it wasn't Hau until my face was licked. I actually opened my eyes and stared right into Incineroar's face. I giggled at my small mistake and sat up in the bed. That's when I spotted Hau sitting in the chair. I didn't hear him come in last night and I honestly didn't know how I felt about him being here. One side was happy, but the other was still pissed the fuck off. Hau must have felt my gaze because he looked up at me, almost a bit frightened.

"Incineroar threatened me, Mono," he said.

"Well good morning to you too," I responded.

"You don't understand Mono. When I returned here, Incineroar sat up in the bed, gave me the nastiest Snarl and said, 'If you hurt her again, I will hurt you.'"

"Hau, Incineroar can't talk," I said. Incineroar sat up and stretched its body. I gave it a loving scratch under its chin and it purred softly.

"I swear to you Mono! It spoke and it has a very deep voice. I was terrified! You're Incineroar is a very possessive male and I think it wants to replace me as your boyfriend!"

"You're being ridiculous. Incineroar cannot talk. Maybe Mallow drugged the food or something. It's too early for this nonsense; where are we headed next?" I asked.

"The Dimensional Research Lab, you know, where Professor Burnet works."

Oh great, Professor Burnet, also known as... Kukui's wife. Fortunately, the professors were on vacation, which meant we wouldn't be there for long. I returned Incineroar into its ball, and Hau and I got ready for the day.

We exited the hotel room right around the time Gladion and Elio exited theirs. Elio and I stared at each other but remained quiet and we went our separate ways. Hau spotted Mallow hanging out around the entrance to the jungle.

"Hey, Mono. Hi Hau~"

Damn bitch was flirting with him right in my face. I was too distraught to kick her ass the other day, but I was fired up and ready to go this morning.

"Hey, Mallow. The stew was delicious last night," Hau said.

"Forget the stew. I need to know what's going on with you two: are you broken up or not?" Mallow asked.

"No, bitch. Get your thirsty thot ass back to the kitchen," I responded.

"Wow. Is that the attitude I get for trying to care?"

"Your acting is worst than your battling Mallow. Now get gone before I have Incineroar cook you."

Mallow scoffed and rolled her eyes before disappearing into the forest. Hau and I decided to walk down Route 8 since we didn't get to enjoy it before. As we trekked down the route, I spotted a familiar blue hair swoop. Oh Arceus, not him. There was no way to avoid walking past the jerk, so Hau and I marched on. He looked up at us, waved, then spoke.

"Alola again. Have you two been well?"

"Stop acting like you care, especially after what you did," Hau said coldly.

I was honestly shocked when Hau spoke that way. He even stepped in front of me, as if shielding me.

"I don't understand. What did I do?"

"You and some weird guy hurt Mono in Unova. I won't let you hurt her again."

"Hau, I really appreciate it, but let's just leave Colress alone," I said.

Hau looked back at me and nodded, then Colress spoke.

"I thought I knew you. I am so sorry about what happened in Unova. N was a jerk and I was a complete fool for listening to him, and Team Plasma. We don't have to be friends, but I would appreciate if you forgave me."

"I can work with that. We should both leave him in our past."

Colress nodded and we went our separate ways.

It didn't take long for me and Hau to make our way back to Heahea City, no matter how much I dreaded it. The Dimensional Research Lab was right off the route and we went right on in. Not much had changed on the bottom floor, so we continued upstairs. Hau took charge entering the lab but stopped right at the corner. I walked up beside him, then it all made sense why he stopped.

"Hey, Professors!" Hau shouted.

They turned towards us and damn! Kukui was still fine as hell. Abs were always a weakness for me and Kukui still kept fit. Burnet looked how she always did. Fucking bitch. I could take her out, being that I was now old enough to chase after Kukui, but Hau clearly needed me... As in needed me to keep them damn thirsty weirdos away.

"Alola Kahuna. Who's that with you?" Kukui asked.

"Don't be silly dear. That's Mono, the former Champion. Don't you recognize her?" Burnet said.

"Of course I do! I just remember her as a teen, not a beautiful young lady."

Kukui's compliment made me blush. "I thought you two were on vacation," I said.

"We got back late yesterday. We had a great time in Hoenn. Kukui finally got a break since a new Champion stepped up and we had to seize the opportunity," Burnet responded.

I ignored most of what Burnet said until I heard new Champion. Who dared sit their ass upon my throne! "Who's the new Champion?" I asked.

"You'll have to find out on your own. I heard about you and Hau going on a journey together. It's cute that you two still like being a couple," Kukui replied.

Hau and I both nervously chuckled at that, which appeared to catch Burnet's attention; she only smiled though.

"We should get going, we have to get to Konikoni," Hau said.

"Have fun, and don't beat anyone too bad," Burnet said.

"Tell me about your travels when you get home Mono. I have a lot of questions," Kukui said and smiled.

"Sure. Just remind me," I replied.

I was pretty happy when we left. It was nice to see Professor Kukui... and Burnet. Diglett's Tunnel was a short walk away and still as noisy as ever. As we traversed the cave, Hau kept smiling at me and throwing seductive looks.

"So Mono, we're in a nice quiet cave again. How about we... you know."

"Oh hell no! You're still on thin ice after that shit you pulled. Plus, we are clearly lost. I've seen the same construction worker like 6 times!"

"No, they just all look the same. Much like Nurse Joy and a few of the tourists... that's really weird," Hau said.

"It's like the less important people who are stepping stones to your throne have the same face, but different names. Now that I think about it, it was the same in the other regions!"

That thought bothered the both of us until we left the cave. Just past the police station was the entrance to Konikoni City. At the gate stood Kahuna Olivia, Lana, and Mallow.

"Welcome back to Konikoni. I heard someone used some coarse language to my Trial Captains. I hope you're prepared for the Grand Trial. It will be a 3-on-2 match," Olivia said.

Fucking snitching ass bitches. They were lucky I loved a challenge. I looked at Hau and we nodded in understanding. A real fight was about to happen.

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