Battle Royale

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(A/N: Here's a SUPER late ref of adult Lana! Remember, credit goes to the respective artist)

The next morning, Hau and I did a travel repeat: we left Paniola Town and passed through the ranch. The only thing different was instead of going up to Brooklet Hill, we went down to Route 6.

"Where to next?" I asked.

"The dome of all the Merciless trainers: the Battle Royale," Hau responded.

Ugh. I hated the Battle Royale. The concept was good, but they nerfed the Pokemon attacks that covered the whole field. Made my powerful Mudsdale a joke there.

"I guess it can't be avoided."

"We don't have to enter a fight Mono. It might be fun to watch one with you, while we eat malasadas," Hau said excitedly.

That actually did sound fun. Watching the battle would be a lot more relaxing. I had a lot on my mind and we were barely deep in the trip. We made a sharp turn onto Royal Avenue and instantly spotted Edgelord and Freaky Smiley. I tried to shuffle along without being noticed, but big mouth Hau called out to them and waved. Of course, they came over.

"The whole gang back together at the battle royale," Hau stated.

"I'm looking forward to seeing what Pokemon you bring to the fight," Gladion said.

"Uh actually..." Hau started.

"Tell me you two were going to fight. Some of the strongest trainers in Alola, and possibly further, not battling while here?" Gladion asked.

"Hau and I are joining, we just wanted breakfast first," I interjected. I really did not want to fight, and could have cared less about Gladion's opinion, but we were on the spot, and people were already tuned into our conversation. I couldn't disappoint the crowd or appear weak.

"Breakfast? Let me guess, the Malasada shop," Gladion said.

"Yup, will you and Elio be joining us?" Hau questioned.

Gladion looked at Elio, who nodded, and we all went to the Malasada shop. Gladion must have really been hungry. He ordered several malasadas and munched down on all of them. I had never seen anyone eat that many, and Hau eats them all the time. I, much like Elio, could only stare in awe, and that was the first time I had ever seen his face go from a smile to concern. After that delicious breakfast, we headed into the Battle Royale Dome. As soon as we entered, someone shouted out, "Kahuna Hau! Look! Former Champion Mono is here too!"

There was suddenly a lot of chatter and applause. I expected them to recognize Hau, but not me. I hadn't been there in years. I spotted Elio looking at me wide-eyed, it was almost like he was starstruck himself. The crowd inside was starting to chant for us to battle, more of that pressure I really didn't want, as we walked up to the counter to register. I signed up Incineroar, Zebstrika, and Greninja, then quickly went to the battle arena.I had no idea what the others were bringing to the battle, but there was one thing I knew; if I was winning, they all would storm me, and personally, I'm not one for a bukkake.

The battle waged on forever, but eventually, all three of Elio's Pokemon were knocked out. Arceus! That fucker was tough. Never trust the silent ones. I came in second to Gladion, but at least I didn't suffer a total knockout. It was incredibly loud in that dome and even louder outside, as there were multiple cheers. Hau was able to laugh off the whole thing, but I wanted to disappear. I just wanted to relax and enjoy watching a battle with my bi-boyfriend, not participate. I was ecstatic when Hau and I were able to escape the dome. We went straight to the Thrifty Megamart. I didn't need anything from there, but it was a better environment than the battle dome. I bought some super cute plushies and gave one to Hau. He laughed but did cuddle it close as we left the store. Bending around the store, we walked along Route 7, right up to Wela Volcano Park.

(A/N: Short chapter is short, but long battle deets would be hella boring. Longer chapter next time.)

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