Big Wave Beach

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"Seriously! What are you doing in here Zoroark?!"

The fake Hau let go of me then laughed some more while dropping the illusion. Yep, it was definitely my sneaky Zoroark. This thing always played tricks on me when we traveled together, and even more of them did in Unova. Man, was there an embarrassing story involving one. I scratched the fur on Zoroark's head and smooched its cute little nose.

"I promise we will hang out again later okay. Please keep taking care of my mom."

Zoroark nuzzled my cheek, then left the room. Silly creature, I needed to learn to be more receptive to abnormalities. With Zoroark gone, I climbed back into the bed and got some sleep.

When I awoke in the morning, there were clothes placed at the end of the bed, folded nice and neat. I didn't get the best sleep, but that was due to strange dreams I had. I got out of the bed, stretching, and headed to the bathroom. I opened the unlocked door and inside was Hau, washing up in the shower. I completely froze up, blush assaulting my face. I couldn't see Hau through the shower curtain, but I knew it was him, by the voice. Hau was singing in the shower, but not loud enough to be heard outside of the door. When the water stopped, I turned around into the corner, hands covering my eyes.

"Good morning Mono... What are you doing?" Hau asked.

I turned back around, eyes still covered. "I was waiting to wash up. Didn't mean to catch you in the shower."

"Yeah... sure. I don't believe that. I'm covered up with a towel, so you can uncover your eyes."

I slowly uncovered my eyes and Hau was indeed covered up, though it barely counted as a cover. This was just another moment when Hau looked his sexiest: wet, barely covered, and hair completely down. Unf. I wanted to Play Rough with him right there in the bathroom.

"You can go ahead and shower, I'm just gonna brush my teeth," Hau said.

"That is not happening. I can't shower with you in here!"

"Oi? You can't shower with me in here, yet it's fine for you to barge in on me? You aren't playing fair Mono."

Hau got me there. I did look like a huge fucking pervert walking in on him in the shower. I almost conceded when Hau spoke.

"I'm just messing with you. I didn't expect you to get nervous when I threw your own antics back at you."

"You messed up Hau. If you hadn't spoken, I would have given you that show," I retorted and stuck my tongue out. The minor victory was short lived when Hau walked up and pinned me in the corner.

"What's stopping me from getting my show? Not like you can go anywhere and would you really kick me in your favorite place?"

Shit. Hau had me again. When the hell did he get so clever?! I shrunk in defeat. I may have destroyed Hau on the battlefield, but he destroyed me in the bathroom.

"You win Hau," I said pouting. Hau chuckled and kissed my cheek before stepping back.

"Let me grab my toothbrush and the bathroom is all yours."

Hau grabbed his toothbrush and left the bathroom. I immediately jumped into the shower, giving my body a really good scrub. I had to get Hau back for the dirty trick he pulled and I knew exactly how to do it. After I finished washing up, I left the bathroom and heard quite a ruckus. Most of it was female voices, save for Hau's, and I could barely make out what was said, that is until I heard Hau shout.

"Don't show her baby photos! She doesn't need to see that!"

I walked into the area where the talking was happening. There were two females, who both looked at me and smiled. They swooped around Hau and encircled me.

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