Hau'oli City (Part 1)

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The night had snuck up on us, and I refused to travel in the dark again, so Hau and I once again stopped at my mom's house. The only thing keeping me from assaulting that handsome hunk was my mom sitting there, looking at both of us. It was uncomfortably silent, the only sound heard was the soft purring of mom's Persian. It felt incredibly awkward, and it did not help that everytime my gaze met Hau's, he would quickly look away. I guess he was still embarrassed after what happened. The deafening silence was closing in when mom spoke.

"How long have you two been dating?" She asked.

"Mom!" I blurted out, "You know Hau is just my friend! Geez."

Hau stayed silent, staring at the floor to avoid my eyes. I could see the blush on his cheeks. Arceus he was cute, my Cloyster was getting all moist. My mom simply smiled.

"You don't have to lie to me. I know already. You two were always close. Hau even came here every day just to hear how your adventures went. That young man really likes you and it hurt when you left Mono," Mom said.

It never occurred to me how Hau felt when I left. I didn't even give him a warning. I just flew off to Hoenn in a rush. I needed to apologize to him, but my most perverse side had a better idea how to do it. My thoughts were interrupted when Mom spoke again.

"Did you know Hau is a Kahuna now?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, Hau told me already," I responded.

Hau was still silent, but he wasn't looking down anymore. I was able to look towards his eyes. I guess he felt me staring since he turned and locked eyes with me. They were filled with happiness, just like they always were.

"I hope you don't mind Hau staying here tonight mom, we are touring Alola again, like we did long ago," I said.

"It's perfectly fine. I just love having you two here. Where will you be sleeping tonight?" She asked Hau.

Hau looked like he was jerked out of a deep thought by that question. "Ah- Um..."

I quickly butted in," He can sleep in my room. There is enough space for the both of us."

When I said that, Hau blushed and Mom had the sneakiest smile. It didn't dawn on me what I said until Mom responded, "Oh, it's a good thing protect is still popular. I detect something more is going on with you too."

I groaned and facepalmed. I should have known not to say that in front of my already suspicious mom. Fortunately, she just laughed it off and went to cook up some dinner. Hau and I were alone on the couch. The was a major silence between us. I scooted closer to him and gently placed a hand on his thigh. He looked at me with those happy eyes and I just could not resist. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his. I wouldn't really call it a kiss, but Hau blushed like it was. I slid my hand further along his thigh, just enough for my knuckles to brush his crotch. His Onix was stirring again. I pulled my lips from his and looked back towards the kitchen. It felt like mom was staring at us, but she had her back to us humming a song softly. I am certain she saw. I looked back at Hau and his face was still as red as a Magby. Maybe it was from the years of battling trainers, gym leaders, and champions, but I got a sick joy out of doing this to Hau. He was beyond cute when blushed and I just wanted to torment him. I hatched so many Nasty Plots. Once again, all was interrupted when mom spoke.

"Dinner is ready! Come eat then you can go to bed."

Hau dashed off the couch and darted into the kitchen. It was good to see Hau hadn't lost his vigor for food. I followed behind shortly. Dinner service was quick and mostly quiet. Toucannon was outside making quite a ruckus, but it just wanted in to steal the food. Hau must have been embarrassed again, as he wouldn't meet my gaze. It was barely even a kiss, I just had my lips on his. After we ate, we washed up and went to bed. Hau slept on the outside of the large bed and I slept against the wall. He was turned away from me. I could not let this pass, so I rolled over and grabbed onto him, burying my face in his back. He tensed up a bit when I grabbed him. He was just as cuddly as Incineroar, but I would never tell him that. Sleeping next to Hau was the best sleep I had gotten in a long time.

Morning came a lot sooner than I wanted it too. Hau was a great sleeping partner and didn't mind me snuggling him. I gently shook Hau to wake him, but he only groaned and resumed sleeping. I knew of one good way to wake him. I slid a hand down his trousers and gently grabbed his pokeballs. They were very warm. His onix was tamed, for now. I moved my hand from his pokeballs and onto his onix, giving it a nice pet. Hau started to stir a bit. I removed my hand from his pants, head flooded with perverse thoughts when my mom barged into the room.

"Time to get up! I made breakfast already. You two have a lot of places to revisit and it is better to start the trip early!"

Hau suddenly awoke and the covers went flying. Fortunately, he didn't become fully erect when I teased him, or mom would have known the whole truth.

"Thank you for waking us," Hau said and quickly made his way off the bed and into the washroom.

Mom looked at me smirking, I knew she had a dirty thought as well. "Nothing happened mom, just get that thought out of your head," I demanded.

She giggled and left the room and I got out of bed. I did stretches while I waited for Hau to finish washing up. Once he was done, I did a quick wash so I could eat. Before leaving, I gave all my Pokemon that were there some much-deserved love. I thanked Hau for supplying Pokebeans, but he only responded with a quick smile before looking away from me. While leaving, I waved to my mom and listened to the cries of my other Pokemon. I would be back to see them later.

"There are a few pit stops we need to make before reaching the city, Hau. I've got to see the school again and the beach is a must."

"Oh... that's fine," Hau responded.

I could tell by his tone there was something wrong. I stopped walking, then spoke, "Hau, you can tell me what's on your mind."

Hau stopped as well and sighed. "It's just weird Mono. You left for 7 years and come back and things... they aren't the same anymore."

I felt my head tilt in confusion. "What do you mean Hau?"

"Mono, you are pretty hands-y with me now. I mean, I don't really mind, but I don't know where this is coming from. When you abruptly left-"

I interrupted Hau there. "I've always liked you, Hau. But when you're a kid, you don't always realize those feelings. It took me being away to fully understand how much I care for you. Travelling was fun. I met new people, made some friends, but none them pulled at my heart the way you did."

Hau looked at me then smiled. He chuckled a bit and looked up to the sun. "Let's keep going Mono. I want this to be one of our best trips together," he said nodding.

We continued walking along Route 1 to the Pokemon Trainer School. It was a short trip from my mom's house, so there was hardly any time to gossip. We stopped in front of the school but did not enter the gates.

"Hau, you were fortunate enough to not get dragged into this place. It was great practice for whooping ass, but it served as a place for nightmares at night. That's part of the reason why I don't like moving at night."

"I would ask what happened, but I really do not want to know," Hau responded.

"In short, don't trust a child that says, 'visit the school at night. There are mysteries.' Shall we continue?" I asked him.

"Yeah. The sooner we get to Hau'oli, the sooner I can get a malasada!"Hau exclaimed and we continued on our way.

The beach was our next stop. I instantly kicked off my shoes and went running along the sand. Oh, how I missed this feeling. Hau was laughing but did the same thing. We were laughing and kicking up sand everywhere and splashing along the water's edge. Who knew something this simple would be so much fun. There were a few whispers, most in regards to how Kahuna Hau was on the beach with "some random girl," but we ignored them all until we heard a very familiar voice.

"Is that Kahuna Hau and... Mono?!"

We both looked in the direction of the voice and were very shocked.

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