Hau'oli City (Part 2)

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"Olivia!" Hau shouted

"Miss Thic- Olivia!" I also shouted.

"Alola you two. It's been a long time Mono." She replied.

I ran across the sand and gave her a hug. It was probably surprising, but besides Hau and mom, Olivia was one of the people I missed the most. As a kid, I wished to be as thick as her. Those curves were perfection. I could never understand how she didn't get a husband.

"How's everything been going Olivia?" I asked.

"It is pretty difficult being in the Elite Four as well as a Kahuna, but I am managing," She responded. Olivia then looked at Hau. "How is your Kahuna job going?"

"It's nice seeing all the young trainers. Reminds me of my youth," Hau answered with a smirk.

"You still have your youth. The both of you will always look like children in my eyes," Olivia retorted.

We all laughed and carried on talking. I told Olivia about other Rock-type specialists I encountered and things I learned. Hau even found time to tell her our plans.

"I've enjoyed talking to you two. When you finish your Akala Island Challenges, send me a message. I would love to battle you again," Olivia started. "I really have to go, just was doing some minor shopping. Bye!"

Olivia left after that and Hau and I left the beach. I locked arms with him, dragging him along to the mall. I could tell Hau didn't want to go in, but my will was stronger. We walked along peeking at a few stores, stopping inside the clothing store just for one hat I absolutely needed. We left the mall almost as fast as we entered and stopped at the Pokemon Center. Hau went to the cafe to order us some drinks while I hit up the PC. I had a lot of Pokemon in there and deciding which one to pull was a challenge. I can say for certain, it had to be one Hau had never seen. I decided on Altaria, one of my favorites from Hoenn. I joined Hau at the tables near the cafe and we enjoyed our drinks.

"So Mono, what Pokemon did you pull from the PC?" Hau asked.

"That is a surprise, Hau."

"I don't know if I can trust you and secrets. I'm already weary of the 'battle stipulation,' you mentioned before."

I let out a hearty laugh. "Just do your best to beat me and you'll be fine," I said.

"Challenge accepted," Hau stated, then we finished our drinks in silence. We left the Pokemon Center and headed to our next destination: Ilima's House. We walked up to the nice mansion and Hau knocked on the door. Ilima's father answered the door and let us in. He informed Hau and I that Ilima was upstairs and that's exactly where I headed, Hau lagged behind, staying downstairs. I barged into Ilima's room and caught him in the process of dressing. I covered my eyes quickly and shouted, "I am so sorry Ilima! I didn't know you were naked!"

Ilima chuckled then said, "It's fine Mono."

Hau quickly came up, "I heard a scream! Is everything-"

"Eh! Hau! I didn't know YOU were here!" Ilima screamed and started to cover up.

I uncovered my eyes and frowned. The hell was that about? Ilima fine with being nude in front of me but not Hau? I knew that boy had a... sweeter side to him. As long as he didn't try to covet my man, all would be cool as an ice beam.

"What brings you here Mono... and Hau?" Ilima asked.

I did not trust that tone. Ilima said Hau's name way too seductively. I threw him a mean look, but it had no effect.

"Mono and I are going on our Island Challenge, well a mock Island Challenge," Hau said.

"Oh. Finally getting closer to Mono I see," Ilima started, "She's a lucky girl."

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