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Saphire's p.o.v

I was sitting on my bed listening to music. Suddenly, My mom burst into my room. I paused my music and looked at her with uninterested eyes.

"what?" I asked her.

"why did you spray paint the neighbor's fence, again? I told you, you couldn't do that" she exclaimed.

"i just thought the fence needed a little color and to remind people that i was there" i smiled sarcastically.

"that's it, you're gonna go live with your brother" she said.

"which one?" I asked. She gave me a smile. A smile that meant that i would be in hell.

"oh no" i said already knowing which one.

"oh yes, start packing your bags" she said.

"mom please, I'll do anything" I begged. "I-I'll clean the fence, I'll help around the house, I'll do whatever you say, just please, don't make me go"

"too late for that" she said walking out.

"but-ugh!" I said. I started mumbling curses under my breath. I grabbed my laptop and put it in my suitcase. I grabbed my clothes and also put it in the suit case. I didn't own much clothes because i hated shopping, so i was happy it all fit in one suitcase. I put all my art supplies (sketchbooks, paints, pencils, water colors, crayons, colored pencils, spray paints, etc.) and spray on hair colors in another one. I walked out to the living room. My mom was still on the phone with my brother.

"alright, we're on our way" i rolled my eyes as she walked up to me. "are you ready?" She asked grabbing my shoulders. I backed away from her.

"no, i don't wanna go" i said as i followed her outside.

I sat in the backseat with my stuff and put on my headphones. I looked at all the familiar buildings of Manchester pass by. Till we meet again, i thought as i looked out the window. I looked towards my mom and i knew she was trying to start a conversation with me because her lips were moving, but after a while she gave up.

*a few hours later*

We finally arrived at his house and i saw my brother standing in the doorway with a smile on his face, i took off my headphones and grabbed my bags. i gave him the one with the clothes and took the one with the art supplies.

"let me take that as well" he offered.

"no!" i said. He have me a confused look, but shrugged it off. You might be wondering 'what's so important about it?' Well, my drawings are my life, i also don't want anybody to see them because they hold secrets about myself that i will NEVER reveal to anyone. I walked inside his house.

"well, here's your new home" he said happily. He's not gonna be happy for long. 'Phil Lester prepare to meet your worst nightmare' i thought as he led me to the guest room, which would now be my room. When he left i rubbed my hands together and smiled evilly, this is going to be fun, i thought. Suddenly, i heard the front door open. I heard a guy voice talking to Phil. I strained my ears to hear what they were saying. I heard Phil say, "my sister is staying with us and you're now allowed to date or flirt with her, got it?"

"got it" i heard the other voice, which i recognized to be Dan's, said. I walked out out of my room and walked to the lounge where i got an apple.

"aww, Phil, are you afraid i might take your boyfriend away?" I said taking a bite of it. "there's nothing to worry about, i don't date guys who dig the same gender as them" i said. My phone started ringing.

"hey Mike" i answered.

"hey, i heard you're staying with your brother" he said.

"i forgot you lived in London!" I exclaimed happily.

"wanna go to the bar?" He asked me.

"like you even have to ask, are we getting mary jane?" i asked. Dan and Phil looked at me confused.

"yeah, I'll pick you up in 1 hour?" he said.

"k, I'll be waiting" i said hanging up and throwing the apple, which only had 2 bites, in the garbage. My hair was blonde, since i haven't spray painted it, yet. I grabbed the color purple and began spraying my hair until all of it was purple. I decided to wash off a bit of color on the tips and painted them blue, once it was ready i blowdried it so it could settle and rubbed off the paint that went on my forehead with soap and water. Once i was ready i put on mascara, winged eyeliner, cherry red lipstick, foundation, and concealer. I put on a purple crop top, which revealed my belly button piercing, leather pants, leather jacket, and my favorite light purple wedges. I looked at myself in the mirror content with my outfit. I texted Mike to see how long was left.

How much longer till you get here -saphire

About 5 minutes, did you dress up? -Mike

Of course i did, when don't i dress up for the bar -Saphire

Great, cuz afterwards we're going to the club, BTW, I'm in front of your brother's flat -Mike

K, I'm heading out -Saphire

I walked out of my room. I walked past Dan and Phil. Dan had his mouth wide open and Phil looked mad when they saw me.

"you're not going out like that" Phil said.

"you're not the boss of me, besides your boyfriend seems to like it" i said, pointing at the paralyzed drooling Dan. Phil slapped Dan in the face.

"he is not my boyfriend" Phil protested.

"ooo, you act like i give a crap" i said.

"uh, w-where are you going, anyway?" Asked Dan while wiping away the saliva that escaped his mouth, pretending he didn't just drool at the site of me. I heard a honk in front.

"out, don't wait up" i said walking out the door with Phil chasing close behind. I jumped in Mike's car.

"Saphire Lester, get inside right now!" Phil scolded, well, he tried. Mike stayed to drive.

"bye Philly" i said putting both middle fingers in the air for him to see.

Phil's p.o.v

The car drove off. I walked back inside and walked up the stairs.

"did you catch up to her?" Dan asked me.

"obviously not, what's wrong with that girl?" I asked.

"i don't know, all i can say is that it's almost impossible to control her" he said patting my back.

*8 pm*

Saphire wasn't home yet. Me and Dan were on the couch waiting for her. Dan was just staring at the wall with a smile. He's been acting really weird lately.

"Dan!" I called for the tenth bloody time.

"what?" He said, but i knew he wasn't listening, so i got close to his ear and screamed as loud as i could.

"DAN!" He jumped in fright.

"what the hell is wrong with you, i almost had a bloody heart attack!" He said.

"what were you thinking about?" I asked him.

"what are you talking about?" he asked.

"you were smiling at the wall" i told him.

"I'm going to bed" he said walking to his room.

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