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I checked the time and it was. 4 IN THE MORNING?! I groaned. I got out of bed and decided to get a midnight snack. Which is actually just a pack or two of Malteasers. They've always helped me get to sleep. I walked to the lounge and saw a light coming from there. I put my hand out to reach the glass door, as always, so i would've smash my head into it like my brother and his mate. I walked in and saw Dan sitting on the island playing a game on his 3DS. I couldn't tell what game he was playing though because he turned down the volume, all the way so he wouldn't wake us up.

"what are you doing up?" He whispered to me. The light from his 3DS shining on his face, just enough, so you could see it was him. I reached in a cupboard to grab a pack of malteasers.

"couldn't sleep, you?" I asked.

"same" he said, taking a drink of what i believe was water, but i could be wrong. I opened my malteasers and sat on the island next to Dan, looking over his shoulder, curious as to what he was playing.

"what are you playing?" i asked him.

"a game" he said as he stabbed a monster, that loocked somewhat like a caterpillar. HOLY SHIT! I knew exactly what he was playing.

"dude, you've gotta let me play" i said. "c'mon, I've saved Princess Zelda millions of times" he looked at me with shocked eyes. He'd also forgotten to pause the game and got killed by enemies. He set his handheld down and looked at me.



"would you... if you want to... Uhh please... Party... Feel free to say no-" he kept stammering.

"for good sakes Daniel, out with it!"

"would you like to come with me to a party on Friday?" He said as if it were one word.

"as a date?"

"well, i mean, if you want it to be one... I won't object"

"I'll have to think about it" i told him looking at the ground, but once I looked up, he had a disappointed face.

"well that's fine" he said going back to his game. I heard him mumble something to himself, but i didn't bother asking what it was.

"I'm going back to bed" i told him.

"yeah, good night Saphire" he said.

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