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Saphire's p.o.v

Phil left both of us alone to talk. Dan closed the door and sat next to me on the bed. tears started streaming down my face again. 'What has this boy done to me?' I thought to myself as he started talking. He grabbed both my hands, but I didn't look up at him. I just looked down at my lap. 

"Saphire, why do you think you're not good enough for me?" he asked me. 

"You deserve someone better" I said shakily. More tears started streaming down my face. I retrieved my hands and harshly wiped the tears away. There's nothing I hate more than crying. It makes me feel weak. "What did you do to me?" I whispered. 

"what?" he asked. I looked up at him and looked him in the eyes.

"You broke me. Before you came along I would never let a guy bring me down this much. I would never cry for a guy. I would never say I wasn't good enough, if they didn't like me, I would shrug it off and move on to the next idiot. Somehow you're different Dan. You're not an idiot" I told him. He just stared at me. 

"You didn't completely answer my first question. Why don't you think you're good enough for me?" he asked. A tear streamed down his face. I didn't want to make him cry, but I had to let him know he deserved way better.

"Because, I've already thrown my life away. You deserve someone that knows what they're doing with their life. I don't know what I'm doing Dan. Why do you think I smoke weed? Why do you think I never listen to what anyone tells me to do? Why do you think I'm a 20 year old that still lived with her mum?" I explained. I looked down at my lap. He put his finger on my chin and lifted my head. He tried to kiss me, but I pushed him away. "Dan, stop. Please, just forget everything. It'll be easier for the both of us" I said. He just stared at me in disbelief, with tear stained eyes. A tear went down his face. I wiped it away. "Don't cry. It'll all be okay, we're gonna go back to the way things used to be tomorrow" I said faking a smile. I silently led him out of my room. As I closed and locked the door, I slid down it and cried silently. Eventually I fell asleep on the floor by the door.

Dan's p.o.v

I sat on my bed, thinking about everything that happened today. I heard a knock on the door and wiped away my tears.

"Come in" I said, trying to sound normal. I failed. Phil came into my room.

"Dan, are you okay?" he asked me. I nodded, knowing that if I open my mouth I'll start letting out tears.

"You are not okay, Dan. Is this about Saphire?" he asked. I looked away. He put his hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?" he asked, as if he were a parent, and I was his child.

"Well, I talked to Saphire. She told me to forget everything because I deserve better. She said I broke her, and then she said I'm not an idiot" I said. I river of tears going down my cheeks. Phil just stayed silent. He looked like he was thinking. 

"look Dan, I have no idea what's going through her head. I have no idea what she's doing inside her room. All I know is that it's 10 to 1 in the morning and I'm tired. So please, tell me you'll be fine" he said. 

"I'll be fine, go to bed Phil" I said. He walked out of the room and closed my door. I put my head up against my bed head as I spilled more tears. 'Why does life always have to make me fail at EVERYTHING!' I thought to myself as I wiped the tears away.

Phil's P.O.V

I laid on my bed thinking. 'Why is EVERYONE acting crazy?' I thought looking up at the ceiling. My sister likes my best friend, but doesn't wanna ruin his life. My best friend likes my sister, but can't date her because she won't let him. Why can't things be normal for once?! I screamed at myself mentally. 

Saphire's p.o.v

I woke up next to the door and since I wasn't comfortable, I walked towards my bed. I sat on my bed and forced an emotionless laugh. 'It's kinda funny how in one day everything can go from normal to dramatic'. My room was right in the middle of Dan's and Phil's. The walls were very thin and I could hear what was going on in each room. On Phil's side of the wall I heard snores. On Dan's side I heard the occasional sniffle. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. 3am. 'why is he still up?' I thought to myself. A few minutes later I heard soft snores from both sides, but on Dan's side they were followed by occasional sniffles. I was thinking about Dan. 'Maybe I should be his girlfriend. He does make me feel safe'. I began writing a song. 'I guess inspiration doesn't have a schedule.' I thought as I started coming up with the melody. I thought about the topic. I knew exactly what I wanted to write it about. I was only halfway through the melody, but I fell asleep.

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