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Saphire's  p.o.v

I stayed silent. I then got up and ran out of the house. I heard Dan call my name behind him. I hid in an alley way behind a trash can and saw as Dan looked around for me. I saw him walk away and the coast was clear. I walked to my tree and sat there. A tear came out as I relived my past. 


2009. I was with my boyfriend at the time. His name was Jason. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. He had the most beautiful blue eyes. I looked up at him. He tried to kiss me, but I was afraid so I pushed him away. 

"Saphire, C'mon, we've been together a year, we haven't even had OUR first kiss" he complained.

"I know, I'm just afraid" I said, looking down ashamed. 

"Why? We just touch our lips together like this" he said as he tried to kiss me again.  I pushed his face away. 

"Jason, I'm not ready yet" I said. He looked down and looked back up and smiled. 

"Alright, I understand, I'll wait" he stated. I smiled and kissed him in the cheek. "Wanna go watch a movie?" he asked. 

"I have to go home, my brother is probably worried" I stated. He nodded and we swung out hands as we walked. Talking, laughing, and enjoying each other's company. 

A few weeks passed by after that and I was walking through the halls of my high school. I was late for Biology and did NOT want to get another detention. I reached my class and out of the corner of my eyes I saw Jason talking to a girl. I trusted him, so I thought it was nothing. I walked into my biology class and sat down. When Biology class ended, I saw Jason and the girl together again. Except this time they were holding hands. Again, I thought it was nothing, friends are allowed to hold hands, right? Wrong. I kept watching them from a far. She was giggling. She was smiling. Then, it happened. HE kissed HER. HE leaned in. I was enraged. I walked right up to him.

"What the fuck?!" I screamed as I walked up to them.

"Saphire! I can explain!" he said quickly. 

"Okay, explain" I said. 

"SHE kissed ME" he said trying to defend his honor.

"Oh really? Because I saw YOU lean in first" I said. He started stuttering and talking gibberish.

"Babe? Who is this?" asked the girl.

"Yeah Jason. Who am I?" I said. Again, he started stuttering. "Alright, I'll do it" I said. He tried to stop me by covering my mouth. I kicked him in the dick. "You see, I'm the girl he's been cheating on you with" She opened her mouth in shock. "May I ask how long you two have been dating?" I asked. I could see the rage in her eyes.

"We WERE nearing 3 months" She said. "How about you?" she asked.

"We were dating for a year before this happened" I answered. We both looked over at him. He was crying and holding his crotch. A teacher came and scolded me.

"Saphire! You have detention" I giggled a bit and rolled my eyes. I felt a paper ball hit my face. This was my breaking point. I was sick of the bullying. The teasings. I'm tired of being a coward. It was like my devilish soul came into play.

"I don't care, it's just detention" I told the teacher. "It's not like I'm gonna go anyway" I heard a few gasps from students. I kicked Jason one last time as I started walking away. 

After school I walked home and took out all the money I've been saving. I had about 500 pounds and decided to get a wardrobe change, even though I was saving this money for something important. I walked out the door and Phil grabbed my shoulder. 

"Saphire? Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded and faked a smiled. 

"I'll be back" I said. He nodded and said he was gonna be with his friend in his room making a video. I nodded and headed out the door. I walked to the shopping centre since it wasn't far from my flat. I walked in and headed towards the hairdresser right away. When I walked in I knew exactly what I wanted. The lady kindly told me to sit down. I told her I wanted to bleach it. 

"Is that all?" She asked. I looked at my hair for a while. I decided to also get a haircut. I told her how long I wanted it and that I wanted in cut into sections. She nodded. After about three hours, she was done. I looked in the mirror and smiled at how good it looked. I paid, walked out of the salon and walked to hot topic. I grabbed many different colored hair spraypaints. I found an amazing leather jacket, grabbed a few crop tops, and found some awesome black boots. I paid for all of the stuff and walked home. When I got home I cried silently in my room, then I realised, he cheated on me. He isn't worth the tears. My heart was broken into a million pieces, but did I care? No. All I knew was that today was the day everything would change. 

About a week after this incident, I had all the guys in my grade wrapped around my finger. Including Jason.

*End of flashback*

There was currently a river flowing down my cheeks. I'm afraid of love. I don't believe in love. Love is a myth in my mind. Ever since that day. I finally have the last line to the song I've been writing. I wrote in on my hand and looked at the sunset. It was beautiful. I heard someone struggling to climb the tree. I looked down and saw Dan. He was already halfway to where I was, so I decided to climb higher. Eventually, I got down to where he was, since I'm afraid of being to high up. I didn't look at him. I just jumped off and started walking. I wasn't going home. I was just going anywhere. I heard a thud on the ground. I turned around and Dan was standing up, dusting himself off. He started running towards me. 

"Saphire! Wait!" he said, but I just kept running. I couldn't do this. I couldn't accept being his girlfriend. I heard him run behind me. I had no where to go, so I just climbed a tree. I saw him and he was looking for me. He looked sad as he walked away. I can't go home now, I can't face him, but then Phil would worry. I didn't want that. I slipped from the branch and screamed. I braced myself for the pain my butt would experience, but the impact never came. Instead I fell on top of someone. He groaned in pain. It was Dan. I looked at him and quickly got up. I started walking away without uttering a single word. Dan was now walking beside me. 

"Saphire?" I didn't respond. "Why did you run off like that?" I still didn't respond. I did, though, pick up my speed. As did he. "Why won't you talk to me?" he asked. I could tell by his tone that he was getting annoyed. I still didn't respond. I couldn't. It was like my mouth was bolted shut and all the words that I could've said disappeared at that very moment. "Please say something Saphire. Anything" he pleaded. We were already about a block away from the apartment. I decided to start running. So did he. Once I got to the front door, he was out of breath. I waited for him to open the door since I'd forgotten mine. Once the door was open, I bolted inside and into my room. When I saw the laptop on my bed I remebered that there was something important I needed to do. Edit and upload the video on YouTube.

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