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Saphire's p.o.v

I walked into the house and heard Dan talking to someone, at first, i thought it was Phil but i heard a girlish giggle, and my brother isn't that low, at least i hope not. I sat by the door. I heard footsteps coming towards the doorway. Shitshitshit! I thought as i tried getting up a fast as i could. I succeeded but as i ran into my room i tripped over a shoe and dropped on the ground with a thud. 'stupid shoe' i thought as Dan and, said girl, came out of the room.

"hey" i said awkwardly still on the ground.

"can you get up?" Dan asked me.

"no shit" i said as i stood up. I looked at the girl.

"oh, where are my manners, Louise, this is Phil's sister Saphire, Saphire, this is Louise" Dan introduced.

"nice to meet you" Louise said extending her hand.

"where's Phil?" I asked ignoring it.

"he's doing a YouNow broadcast in his room" he answered.

"awesome" i answered as i headed out the front door.

Dan's p.o.v

"where is she off to?" I heard Louise ask.

"i don't know...but I'm going to follow her" i said as i headed out the door. Louise running behind me.

"Dan stop! Give the girl some space, it's what she needs" i looked down the stairs then back at Louise before sighing in defeat and laying face down on the ground. Convenient too, because i was in the hall of existential crisis. I felt Louise put her hand on my back. "you like her don't you?"

"no" i muffled, getting some carpet fluff in my mouth.

"alright then, I'm going to go home now, but just remember, there's a party on Friday and, maybe, you could invite her" she told me.

"alright bye Louise" i said still laying down face first and getting more carpet fluff in my mouth. I turned myself around and slapped my gave with both my hands. It hurt. "WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!" I screamed into my hands.

"what are you going to do about what?" Phil said.

"nothing important" i said looking at the ceiling.

"well, it must be important if you're laying in the hall of existential crisis" he said.

"you wouldn't understand" i told him. "what do you mean?" he asked. I just looked at him and back at the ceiling.

"alright, I'm gonna go get take out, what do you want?" He asked me.

"I don't care" i said putting my hands on my face.

"have you seen Saphire?" Phil asked. I didn't want Phil to scold her again, so i did the only rational thing there was to do. "she's in the shower" i said. Phil seemed skeptical, but went  along with it and walked down the stairs and out of the house.

Saphire's p.o.v

"Mike, did you pick up mary jane?" I asked. He pulled out a joint. I smiled at him as he lit it. Once it was lit and he got a hit, he passed it to me. "it's been ages since I've done this" i said as i passed the joint to him. We were passing it back and forth, until it was finished.

"wanna go get something to eat, I'm hungry?" he asked.

"of course i answered" as we walked to the nearest gas station.

"do ants have dicks?" He asked me.

"i. don't. know" i answered with a confused expression on my face. We both started laughing. We finally got to a gas station and we were looking for junk food. We got a lot of chocolate and a big bag of chips and two sodas. We walked to the park and started to eat everything. Pretty soon we were normal, well, more like 'normal' again.

"so, do you like living with your brother and his friend?" He asked.

"nah, and don't you mean boyfriend?" I asked with a smirk.

"why are you always so hard on your brother?" He asked.

"you wouldn't understand" i answered.

"what do you mean? What wouldn't i understand?" He asked, he's asked all of these questions billions of times.

"Mike, just drop it, please" i said.

"okay" he said. "let's go home" i gave him a pouty face indicating i didn't want to go. "we have to" he said.

"fine" i said getting off the grass. We got in his car and he drove me home. I felt the cold london breeze hit my face and it felt liberating, i fell asleep with the wind blowing in my face. A while later i felt myself being shaken awake. I looked over at Mike.

"do i have to go?" I whined like a little kid waking up in the morning for school.

"I'm afraid do kiddo" he said jokingly. I looked at the building and back at him.

"but i don't wanna" i said crossing my arms and making a pouty face. He looked at me with a face that said 'listen to me and go inside.' i rolled my eyes and opened the car door.

"night Mike" i said as i walked to the door and he waved me goodbye as he drove away. I walked up the stairs and saw Dan's sleeping figure on the floor. I giggled a little bit. He's so cute.

Wait, what?

Especially when he's sleeping, he looks like a baby.

Stop it! I don't like him! Shut up brain!

My brain was finally at peace and i looked down at Dan. I sat on the floor next to him. I shook him a bit but all he did was turn around to his back. There's no waking this kid up, he's a really deep sleeper, just like Phil. I decided to scare him by screaming into his ears. All he did was moan, open his eyes a little then said, "Saphire, what are you doing in my room?" i giggled a little.

"So Phil made you sleep on the stairs now did he?" he looked at me confused for a second, then got up.

"I'm going to bed" he said walking up the stairs. I walked up behind him and headed towards the lounge. I crashed head first into the clear glass  door, that I've done such a good job avoiding, till now.

"mother fucker! C'mon Saphire, you're smarter than that!" I said. I giggled at the thought of me crashing head first into the door. I looked behind me, and was smiling. "you could've warned me you know?" I smiled at him.

"what's the fun in that?" he said, as i childishly stuck my tongue out.

I opened the for and grabbed a packet of malteasers from the cup board and walked to my room. Dan was just staring at me do this the whole time.

"you're such a stalker" i said.

"why's that?" He smirked getting closer.

"well, first of all, you've been watching every one of my moves since i got here" I told him.

"i have done no such thing!" He said faking offense.

He's so fucking adorable!

Shut up! I don't like him!

Why are you flirting?

Am not!

Are too!

Am not!

Are too!

"am not!" I accidentally said out loud. Dan gave me a look that reminded me of a confused puppy. "I'm sorry about that, it's just that my brain and my heart fighting again"

"about?" He said looking at me with those perfect chocolate brown eyes that were luring me in with every word that came out of his mouth.

"nothing important" i said. He had me backed into a wall and our faces were just inches apart from each other. I could feel his hot breath on my face.

"oh really?" He said. Bringing his face closer to mine. I woke up and looked around my room. Did i just have a dream about Dan? Did i like Dan? Did i love Dan? No! That's impossible! when the hell did i fall asleep anyway?

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