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I sat there waiting for the video to upload. My twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr links were all in the description. I was actually surprised at how good it turned out, especially since I have no experience in editing whatsoever. I smiled and there was a knock on my door. I closed my laptop. "come in" I said as I looked at the doorway. The door opened to reveal Dan.

"Saphire, we have to talk obout this. About us" he said.

"Dan, there's nothing to talk about. Can't you just accept the fact that I don't wanna be your girlfriend?" I asked him. 

"But you do! What happened in the lounge-"

"meant nothing, Dan" I said.

"But it did. You know it meant something. All the words that came out of your mouth were true"

"I know. I'm not denying that none of that was true. But I know that I'm not the girl for you. Even if we do have Phil's approval, I know you could do better. You could do WAY better than me Dan. You're so sweet and attractive and talented. Any girl would be lucky to have you, I'm just not that lucky" I told him.

"But you are. Saphire. You're special. I don't understand why you can't see it. Why you can't understand" He said. I looked down. Tears spilling out of my eyes, too afraid to look up at his face, which is probably stained with tears as well.

"I'm not special Dan. I was always in the shadow of Phil. Being compared to him. My mom NEVER stopped talking about him. She told me things like, 'why can't you be more like Phil' or 'listen to my little baby, all grown up and on the radio'. If anything, Phil's the special one. Not me." I said. I don't know why I just told Dan all that. It was so... easy. He hugged me. I hugged back.

"You're so special to me" He said. He was shaking. "Don't let anyone tell you differently"

He pulled away and we just stared at eachother for a minute. We both started leaning in. His lips brushed against mine. He pulled away. Both our faces stained with tears. I slowly started to nod. 

"yes" I said, in a whisper that was barely audible. He looked a bit confused. "I accept Dan Howell, I'll be your girlfriend" I said. He smiled happily and kissed me on the lips. I smiled too. We both layed down on my bed and looked at the ceiling, talking and cuddling until we both fell asleep. 

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