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Dan's p.o.v

I woke up around 12:30pm after i couldn't sleep last night. I rubbed my eyes and I heard singing? I got up and followed the voice. It was really hard to make out the lyrics, the only words i actually understood were 'know', 'getting', and 'push'. But other than that it sounded like a bunch of mumbled gibberish. I finally got to Saphire's door. I slowly opened it and I heard a book slam closed.

"Dan? What are you doing?"

"the question is, what are you doing?"

"nothing, why? What did you hear?" She asked suspiciously.

"singing" i said honestly, since i just woke up i didn't want to deal with this nonsense. I wanted to ask if she had an answer for what i asked last night, but that would just make me seem desperate. There was an awkward silence, so in that time i chose to admire her sense of style, through her room. She had a big 'my chemical romance' T-shirt hung on the wall, along with a 'falling in reverse' T-shirt, and around her room was posters of different pop punk band, but the one that caught my attention the most was the poster over her bed. It wasn't a band poster but it was about music. I studied it and came to the realisation that it was a poem about music. It read,'music reads what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, from heaven to the soul'.

"where did you get that poster?" I asked genuinely curious.

"i made it" she said. I looked at her surprised.

"It's amazing" like you. "i didn't know you paint" i said enthusiastically mentally slapping my brain for almost making me say that.

"there's a lot of things you don't know about me, Dan" she said looking down at a brown journal. She was right, i actually barely know anything about her.

"you're right, i barely know anything about you, why don't we have a San day?" I asked her excitedly.

"what the hell is a San day?"

"it's Saphire and Dan put together" i answered.

"oh, why San though?" She asked.

"well, honestly it was either that or Daphire" i smiled. She giggled a bit. SCORE ONE FOR DAN! OH YEAH!

"Daphire sounds cooler though" she said.

"fine, you wanna have a Daphire day today?" I asked her, emphasizing 'Daphire' to make it seem like i was correcting myself. She smiled.

"sure, let me just get ready" she said. That was easier than i thought. I thought heading out of her room. HELL YEAH! TWO POINTS! I thought pumping my arms in excitement. Phil walked past me at that moment.

"what's making you so happy?" He asked curiously.

"oh... Well... I just... Ummm... I won a... Race in Mario Kart" i said.

"okay" he said. This is why i like 'sleepy Phil' he doesn't really question anything he's told and eventually forgets. Well, unless it's something shocking, like the Daphire day for example. She pulled me into her room and closed the door. I was slightly surprised.

"go get changed and you're gonna head out after me. I'm gonna head out now and also, don't tell Phil where you're actually going" she told me.


"because you ninny, he will go into crazy Phil mode, and nobody wants that" she said. I nodded and was about to head out, but i had one more question.

"where am i supposed to say that I'm going?"

"just say you're going to forbidden planet or something" she said. i nodded and headed out. Saphire behind me. We went different directions.

"Phil! I'm going out! Don't wait up!" I heard Saphire say. My phone vibrated, indicating that i had a message. It was from Saphire. It read,

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