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Saphire's p.o.v

I was sitting on the couch being scolded by Phil. He was mad I got home drunk, late, and smelling like Mary Jane.

"Phil, you're making a fool out of yourself because I'm honestly not gonna listen to whatever the fuck you have to say" i said, bored.

"watch you're language!" He said. "you can't swear"

"why the fuck not? it's not hurting anyone, fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck" i said, quoting Cartman from south park. God, i love that show. i look at Dan standing in the doorway trying not to burst out laughing because of what i just said, and failing completely. It seriously doesn't take much to name him laugh. "besides, we're adults, I'm 19, i could curse if i fucking want to" i said. Phil's face was red with anger. "is this still about me taking away your boyfriend? Cuz if it is, you could have him. Also, if you need me I'll be in my room, but please, do me a favor, and don't need me" i said walking past them. I walked into my room and sat on the bed so i could listen to music.

Dan's p.o.v

Phil looked at me angrily.

"what the fuck did i do?" I asked.

"you are encouraging her" he whispered. I looked at him like if he was a mad man.

"am not, she's acting that way because she wants to act that way, i laughed because it was funny not because i was encouraging her to go on" i whisper shouted.

"it didn't seem that way to me"

"you know what Phil? maybe she's acting like this because she feels like she's trapped here, you didn't expect her to like you, did you? she probably didn't want to come. have you thought about that? How would you feel if you were forced to go somewhere? She probably feels like this is prison or a concentration camp" i told him. He looked ashamed. "Phil, I'm sorry it's just-"

"no Dan, you're right, she probably does feel that way" i put my hand on his shoulder and gave him a sympathetic look. "I'm gonna go talk to her" he said walking away.

Saphire's p.o.v

I was on YouTube watching Shane Dawson when suddenly i heard a knock on my door. I paused the video and looked up to see Phil. I rolled my eyes as i pressed play to continue watching the video. I was wearing my favorite Shane Dawson sweater as well.

"why do you hate me so much?" He asked. I paused the video again and looked at him.

"what?" I said looking at him confused.

"you hate me, and i wanna know why. Is it because you feel like this is a prison?" he said calmly. I got up and walked out of my room. Why you ask? Because i didn't want to talk about that, especially not with him, i didn't want to tell him the truth. I went into the lounge and grabbed an apple.

"who said i hated you?" I said running my fingers through my freshly bleached hair.

"i did, because of the way you're acting with me" he answered.

"i act like this with everyone, you're not special, by the way, i find it adorable that you live with your boyfriend, when's the wedding? Can i be a bridesmaid?" I smiled at him sarcastically, as i took a bite of the apple. I walked back to my room. I sat on my bed and Phil followed me in. I wanted to continue watching Shane Dawson so I rolled my eyes annoyed. "what?!" I said.

"can we talk?" He asked.

"no, now get out, and go hang out with your boyfriend! Just leave. me. alone!" I said pushing him out. I closed and locked the door. I pressed play and continued watching Shane Dawson. A single tear fell out. If only i had the courage to tell people the way i really felt.

Phil's p.o.v

I was sitting in the lounge silently when Dan came in. He looked at me.

"what's wrong? You seem troubled" he told me.

"i wanna know why Saphire hates me so much" I answered.

"how do you know she hates you?" He asked standing next to me on the lounge.

"because she's been nothing but rebellious and mean to me since she came, and with you she's-"

"the same Phil, we've never even had a full conversation, " he said. 

"well, Dan, I'm gonna be honest with you" i told him.

"what? Is it something bad? Are you kicking me out?!" He stated freaking out.

"no, just listen" he calmed down a bit and listened, but his face was still worried. "ever since my sister got here, you've been acting strange, Why is that?"

"well, umm, you see Phil, i am naturally a very awkward person aand, ummm, i don't do well with pret- i-i mean new people" he stuttered, why was he so nervous.

"Dan are you okay?" I asked him.

"pshhh of course i am, i mean, why wouldn't i be?" He said making awkward hand movements as he spoke. "I'll be in my uhh" he seemed lost.

"room?" I asked.

"yeah that, uhh, bye" he said walking through his door and shutting it. That was weird. What's wrong with everybody today?! I thought as I walked into my room.

Saphire's p.o.v

Everyone was in their rooms and i decided to sneak out. I put on normal clothes, my art bag, my laptop and headed out the door with nobody noticing.

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