When It Dropped, It Didn't Crack, but...

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Toad cracks his phone into literally a million pieces, but how it got in that state is quite a story...


The Regular Group Chat - Peach, Toad, Mario, Luigi, Yoshi


Toad: hey gousssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Toad: dangit i meant guys

Mario: what toad

Toad: who is this

Mario: oh stop with your stupid pranks you know who I am

Luigi has joined the conversation.

Luigi: you know what I'll just join for the fun of it

Mario: toad's pranks are fun to you??!?!?

Luigi: well, yeah, to an extent

Mario: give me a reason to not disown you as my brother right now

Luigi: woah woah woah!! Okay, mario i hate toad's everything

Mario: good

Luigi: what the frick

Toad: can I talk now this isn't a prank i swear on my hat

Luigi: but you don't have a... OHHH

Luigi: Mario, I think he's serious if he swears on his hat

Mario: okay okay fine

Toad: I have downgraded to an iPhone 4-


Luigi: wow lol


Princess Peach has joined the conversation.

Princess Peach: Toad's new phone is an iPhone 4?! LOL!

Toad: even you, princess?? Ugh, let me explain...

Princess Peach: please do

Toad: okay... it all started when...


Toad: Once upon a time(more like 4 weeks ago, but whetever), I was in the passenger seat going to Crazy Cap for those fresh hats doe and I had my iPhone 5 on my lap. I had the thought of putting it in my fuh-resh leather coat pocket, but the thought slipped away as fast as it came. By the time I was dropped off, I forgot my phone was even there. After my fresh and lit shopping spree, I found my phone on the road a few inches from the sidewalk's... er... side, run over and literally crushed into a million pieces. In a panic, I frantically turned it on, and fortunately, it worked like a charm, however, little glass shards left glittery residue on my fingers, and the phone emitted a faint smell of... something... er... I don't even know how to describe it. Being now broke (after buying all dem hats doe fam) I couldn't find a way to fix the screen, so I found my ol' iPhone 4 and set it up, and now I can't get Insta, Snap, Minecraft, Roblox, nothing to work, because my phone is version 7.2.1 or something while everyone elses is like 11.1.2 AND THIS PHONE IS SO FREAKING OLD WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Sorry, we are having trouble with yer boi. He's having a meltdown. We'll be back.

Mario: PSHH you play roblox?! LOL XD YOU TRASH 

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