chapter 9

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November, 27

A month has now passed since the announcement of the champions and I have finished my detentions with Snape; I have to admit I had a great time getting to know George, I feel I know him more then I know my own brother, and that’s saying something. So, anyways, like I was saying a month has passed and I was currently sitting in a tent in the Quidditch field, but today the field won’t be used for Quidditch. Today I’m going to be battling a dragon in the arena.

I was very nervous, but not for me. I was mostly nervous for Harry. He doesn’t now as many spell’s that can help him. I mean sure I’m only a year older and I wouldn’t know many more spells then him if I had been here my life, but I haven’t. I’ve been living in the magical world getting taught by my uncle Remus and going on quest’s to undermine the remaining death eaters. I know spells that most 7th years don’t know.

I’m so nervous I won’t even talk to anyone. Seriously usually I’m always talking but when I get nervous it’s like my tongue has been ripped out. I didn’t even talk to George on the way here.

"Champions gather around!" The minister of magic called as he enters the tent.

"Miss Granger, what are you doing here?" Dumbledore asks Hermione. When did Hermione get here?

"Oh I’m just leaving." She says as she leaves the tent.

"Ok Harry over here, Fleur here, Krum there, and Rockelle stay there." The minister instructs as he moves us into a huddle.

"Now you will all pick a dragon from this bag. The dragon you pick represents a very much alive dragon that you will have to fight to receive the golden egg. Without it, you cannot proceed to the next challenge. Do you understand?"Dumbledore explains and we all nod in agreement.

Fleur picks first and gets the Welsh Green, probably the weakest dragon of them all yet she still looks completely terrified. Krum picks next; he got the Swedish Short-Snout. That means there are two dragons left. Please let me get the Horntail. I will not let my brother face the most dangerous dragon ever. I reached my hand in the bag and felt one of the dragons breath fire on me. I picked one up and took out my closed hand. I slowly open it and see the Chinese Fireball. Damn.

"So that leaves Mr. Potter with the Hungarian Horntail." The minister says as the Horntail is placed onto Harry’s hand. I gave him a look of reassurance that everything would be fine.

"Okay, let’s have Miss Potter go first. When you hear the sound of the cannon you wil-"Dumbledore is interrupted by Filch blowing the cannon.

I quickly make my way into the arena. It was covered in jagged and sharp rocks.

"Rockelle Potter will now face her dragon." Announces Lee Jordan.

I look around the arena, the dragon was nowhere in sight. I was about to break into a sprint and grab the egg but before I could the dragon drops down on top of it. I jump back in surprise and dive behind a rock just as the dragon lets out a burst of fire. I rack my brain for the perfect spell but instead found the perfect charm. I jump out from behind the rock and swish my wand. The dragon then fell to the ground in a heap, sleeping.

I'm Rockelle Potter, Harry Potters Sister (An HP Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now