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~ who she loves

"What is it, Ino-chan?" the pinkette asked her best friend.

"First of all, you're welcome." the blonde stated with her eyes closed as she raised her index finger in the air and made a confident pose.

"F-for what!?" Sakura asked, confused.

"For saving you from that weirdo. I happened to hear his confession to you and decided to help you out of the situation." Ino said with a proud smile. Her friend sighed.

"Ino-chan, I didn't need your help. Everything was perfectly fine." she said in an annoyed, yet gentle tone.

"Well, who cares? Let's go pick flowers or something. I know! Let's make each other flower crowns!" the blonde said and pulled her friends' hand. They sat in a field of flowers together and started picking flowers for their flower crowns.

While arranging the flowers, Sakura took a look around her and happened to catch sight of a lonely boy sitting on the grass near a bush, looking at something through it. Her cheeks flushed as soon as she saw him.

It was Sasuke, her crush. He never noticed her, but she still admired him. When she gathers enough courage, she's going to confess to him. Thinking back at the recent events, she remembered Koji. 

'Is this how he feels? He's so brave. I feel so bad for rejecting him, it must be a horrible feeling-'

"Come on, Sakura-chan! I'm almost done, hurry up." Ino's loud voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

"O-oh. Right!" she composed herself and continued what she was doing. In the proccess, she tried to catch a quick peek of the boy. However, when she looked up at where he was supposed to be, he was gone.

'One day, Sasuke-kun. One day, I will confess to you. And when I do, even if you reject me, I won't cry! I'll show you how strong I am, one day.'

'Yeah, one day.'

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