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~ sweet to sour

~ sweet to sour

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"Sakura is dead."

In that moment, everything froze. Koji's eyes were wide open, his body was tense. He was paralyzed, devasted.

At that moment, he didn't know what was worse. The fact that Sakura is dead, or the way 'Sasuke' is acting about it.

It almost seemed like he was happy about her death. Or worse, was the cause of her death.

"What's wrong KOJI!? Or whoever you are." he asked with his eyes wide open and a wild smile plastered all over his face.

After a moment of silence, 'Sasuke' stepped closer. Slowly, he raised Koji's chin up. They were now staring at each other eye-to-eye. Both wide. One in fear, other in excitement.

"Who are you?" 'Sasuke' asked calmly.

When the other didn't answer, he gripped his chin harder, resulting in Koji trying to make an attempt to escape his grasp, which 'Sasuke' didn't allow.

"ANSWER ME! WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DID YOU TO MY KOJI!?" he shouted very agressively this time.

"I-I'm Koji! I swear!" he barely stuttered out.

"NO YOU'RE NOT! YOU'RE DIFFERENT! YOU'RE NOT HIM!" 'Sasuke' was shouting so loud that Koji thought his ear drums are going to explode at any moment. Not to mention the strong grip the raven haired boy had on Koji's chin.

"I-I'm Koji, I swear! Please let me go and I'll explain!" he pleaded, trying to move 'Sasuke's' hand away.


He let go of Koji's chin and instead pinned him to a tree with a gentle hold on his neck this time.


"O-okay. As I sa-said before, I'm Koji. BUT! I'm from a different Alternate Universe! I know you might not believe me but it's true! Satoshi from this AU took your Koji and put me and my Satoshi here." he explained, a bit hesitant in fear of the other not believing him.

"Is this the best excuse you could come up? Pathetic!"

"I-It's true! I can prove it! I just don't know why Satoshi would put me here, he said I would be happier..." he mumbled the last bit to himself, but loud enough for the other to hear.

"What? He said you would be happier here? So you came here by your own free will?" 'Sasuke' asked Koji, who nodded nervously.

"Are you crazy? What are you doing trusting that psycho!?" Koji really wanted to say something to that, but decided he values his life more.

"Well, he said we're best friends in this AU. He even proved it! And the way he explained everything sounded like he was telling the truth." Koji answered.

"Best friends? He hates you! He tried to kill you multiple times!" 'Sasuke' yelled angrily.

"You mean the Koji from this AU? Why?" Koji asked, confused. He didn't know who and what to trust anymore.

"Because he's madly in love with me, and I'm-uh- He's jealous 'cause I spend a lot of time with you and ignore him." 'Sasuke' said, more calmly this time. To Koji, he didn't sound 100% honest, but at this point he couldn't care less. He somehow knew that Satoshi tricked. How ever crazy it sounded, it sounded more truthfull than anything Satoshi said.

"Is he really that crazy?"

"You have no idea."




"So...Now what?" Koji asked, unsure.

"We find a way to get you to your AU and get my Koji back." 'Sasuke' answered, anger present in his voice.

To be honest, Koji was slightly disappointed. He didn't want to stay in this weird, crazy universe, but it still seemed better than his own. In his AU, Sasuke was gone, and Sakura didn't want him. Nobody wanted him there, so what's the point in returning? In this AU, 'Sasuke' will always stay by his side and care for him, and 'Sakura', who he didn't need anymore, was gone.

"Um...I don't really want to return to my Universe tho..." Koji whipsered sadly.

Since 'Sasuke' didn't answer him, he looked up only to be met with deep onix eyes staring right at him. It was scary. He didn't know what to expect from the Uchiha.

"You're...not that different after all..." he finally said, which Koji didn't understand at all.

He waited and waited for 'Sasuke' to say something, but just as he was about to speak up, the said male took his hand and pulled him along.

They exited the forest and were now on their way to Koji's house.


Once in the house, 'Sasuke' pinned him to the bed that was still messy and passionately kissed him on the lips. His eyes were closed and his knee was nearing Koji's lower area, as the said male laid there in surprise with his eyes wide open once again.

He never thought of Sasuke that way and never once thought of being anything more than friends with him. Looking back at all the interactions with Sasuke, all the pieces fell into place.

He remembered all the times Sasuke blushed at their skinships or something Koji said, he remembered the times he pestered Sasuke about who his crush was, but never got an answer, the way Sasuke was acting towards him...It all made sense.

Sasuke was in love with Koji.

But, the real question is...

Is 'Sasuke' in love with Koji?

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