• five •

23 2 0

~ too bad, but it's too sweet

It was a sunny day. Birds were chirping, children were playing outside. It seemed like a normal day in Konoha, but no one knew that this day would change everything.

A certain raven haired boy was sitting on a tree branch, thinking. What was he thinking about? Everything. He had been given an opportunity to get stronger, but to do so, he had to leave behind everything he has now.

Obviously, he would've said yes without hesitation. There was just one little thing holding him back. Something that always haunted him. Something he couldn't live without even if he wanted to.

Pushing it away wasn't an option, so he tried not to think anymore and just go. Time was running out. Tonight, he would surely leave. He didn't have a choice.


The Sun had already set.

With an emotionless expression, he dragged himself toward the exit. Adrenaline was already rushing through his veins just thinking about all the power he will get after he leaves this wretched place. He will finally be strong enough to defeat his enemy, to avenge his family.

Sakura has already tried to stop him, but was unsuccessful. Nothing can stop him now.

The last door, the exit, was just waiting for him to open it and leave. He wanted to run, but rushing gets you nowhere. Be patient and you'll be rewarded. And he truly was rewarded.

"W-where are you going?" asked the person who he wanted to see the least right now.

He ignored it. It was pointless anyway.

"Stop! Don't ignore me!" Koji said and took Sasuke's hand, making him stop and turn around. Aside from the obvious blush, Sasuke was annoyed.

"Sasuke-kun, I-I understand you want revenge and you think what you're doing is right. But listen to me. Please just listen to me!" tears formed in his eyes as he now put his hands on the youngers' shoulders. "This is not the way! If you do this, you will regret it, trust me.  You can do better. Just forget about it."

"Shut up. You have no idea how it feels." he replied in a calm tone as he pushed the other away. "Goodbye."

"Wait!" Koji put his hands around Sasuke's waist, holding him in a never-ending hug.

"Please don't leave me. You're the only one I have. Sure, there's a lot of nice people here in Konoha, but none of them are you! You're special to me. I've known you for so long, I can't just let you go! I'm sorry." he cried.

Sasuke pried his hands off but didn't say anything. He couldn't let himself respond, if he did, the other would certainly find a way to make him stay. Before he could start walking again, he was surprised by his friends' angry voice.

"Does our friendship really mean nothing to you!? Am I really that not important to you!?-"



By this point, Sasuke had already turned to Koji and put his hand on the brunettes' cheek.

"Koji, you mean a lot to me, you are very important to me. I really don't want to leave you..."

"Then don't!"

"I have to. You don't understand, I have to!"


"That's why... I want you to come with me. I wanted to do this alone, but I can't bear to watch you cry anymore."

"I'm not going...Let's...Let's just stay here, in Konoha."

"You're either coming with me, or I'm going alone."

Tears were slowly falling from Koji's widened eyes, all over Sasuke's hand, as he thought. His face then turned from a surprised one, to one full of determination.

"Fine then! Go alone! I wont betray my village because of someone like you!" he angrily and ran away, tears were falling down on the ground as he ran.

"Too bad..." 

"...but it's too sweet."

• boy meets evil  •Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora