• four •

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~(three years after the last chapter)

~(three years after the last chapter)

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~ why he loves him

It was a quiet night. There was no sound, just silence. The water was cold and dark because of the dark night. The moon was reflected in the water. here was gentle, cold wind blowing, carrying leafs around with it. It was the perfect time and place to relax and forget about everything. No one was there to annoy you and constantly pull you out of your thoughts.

At least that's what Sasuke thought. Until he heard creaking of the bridges wooden floor, that is.

"Yo, Sasuke-kun! What're you doing here all alone at this hour?" the cheery voice of his friend shouted at him. Sigh.

"None of your business." he replied harshly. Koji pouted, now sitting down next to Sasuke.

"Are you looking at the sky, or the water?" he asked.

"I'm looking at you now." Sasuke said angrily, but deep inside, he was happy that his friend came and actually cared about him.

"Hehehe, sorry." Koji lauhed and rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Sasuke asked.

"Hm? Me? Oh, I saw Sakura walking by so I tried asking her out again. She said no, obviously, and chased me away. I happened to come across this beautiful lake and saw you sitting here, all alone and depressed, so now I'm here." he shrugged after explaining.

"Why are you even trying anymore? You know she doesn't like you and never will." Sasuke asked. He didn't mean to sound so cold towards his friend, but it was too late now.

"I know. But, what if she does? I can't miss an opportunity like that! As long as there's a chance that she might say 'yes', I will try!" Koji exclaimed happily with his hands curled into fist, looking into the far distance determinedly. Sasuke sighed again.

"Yeah, but she won't. Because she likes me." he said, a bit more sad this time and looked down at his bare feet that were slightly touching the water. He felt bad for his friend. He didn't even know why they were friends. Sometimes, he was afraid that Koji might be using him to get closer to Sakura, but in his mind, he always reassured himself that Koji was too innocent and stupid to even think of doing something like that.

"But you don't like her, right?" Koji asked unsurely, nervously and with a bit of concern in his voice. As if he was afraid Sasuke would say 'yes'. He looked at Sasuke with his eyes wide in both hope and fear, but it all disappeared when he saw a grin appear on Sasuke's face. One he had never seen.

"Of course not. There's someone else I like." Sasuke said, looking away with a blush on his face. Koji couldn't process what was happening anymore. Sasuke smiled AND blushed at the SAME TIME. What has this world come to?

"Really? Who is it?" he questioned once he regained himself. As soon as those words left Koji's mouth, Sasuke's face got even redder. His eyes widened and he started waving his hands left-and-right in dismissal.

"N-no one!" he stuttered out, making Koji clench his eyebrows in suspicion. Sasuke was acting too much out if character today...

"You just said you liked someone else! Don't lie to me, dude." he accused.

"Ugh." Sasuke sighed, trying to calm down and make his blush disappear. "I can't tell you."

"Fmph! Fine! Then I won't tell you who I like." he said and crossed his arms and pouted angrily while Sasuke looked at him with an un-amsused expression on his face.

"Oh, really? Wow, who could it be? I have no idea!" he said sarcastically and smiled to himself while the other couldn't see. 

He was so innocent and oblivious, not to mention happy all the time, like a child. That's what Sasuke liked about him so much. No matter what situation Koji was in, or how he was feeling, he always smiled and made others around him laugh. When you're with him, he will make you forget all your problems and worries, you will be able to truly laugh and he won't judge you for it, because he will laugh with you. With him, you can finally be yourself.

Sure, sometimes all the screaming and laughing can get can a bit annoying, but even when you're annoyed at him, he will find a way to make you laugh, or at least chuckle.

Over the time that the two of them have known each other, which was three years for now, Sasuke has developed feeling for the brown haired male. He was drawn to him like a magnet. It felt like, if he didn't see him for at least a second everyday, he would die of loneliness. Living without Koji seemed impossible to him. 

But he knew, a day will come when Sasuke will have to leave. Although Koji meant a lot to him, his number one priority was still revenge. He won't let Itachi just walk away from what he did. 

He WILL get his revenge and nothing can stop him, not even love.

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