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~stupid reasons

~stupid reasons

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~ 'Satoshi'  ↑


"S-Sasuke!" a squeaky voice exclaimed in surprise. "Y-You're back!"

"No. It's just your imagination. I'm not real." 'Sasuke' chanted in hopes that the pink haired girl will believe him. While she was in bliss, he took an opportunity to run away and hide in the same alley that he came for.

"Phew! That was close." he sighed.

"S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-Sasuke!!" a raspy voice yelled in surprise.

"Crap." he muttered in an annoyed tone.


"I know the exact day that Team 7 is going on a mission. There, they'll find Sasuke but will unfortunately be unable to make him return to the village. Maybe, if they let you go along, you'll be able to change that." Koji explained to 'Koji'.

"Are you sure? What if my presence doesn't change anything?" 'Koji' asked depressingly.

"I'm sure it will! Trust me on this." the orange haired male said and winked at the other.

"Fine. But what if they don't allow me to go?" he asked.

"Oh come on! How about this; I'll come here and make sure it all happens. Okay? Does that make you feel more secure?" Koji suggested. His eyes winded after he realized what he just said. Thinking back on how he used to act, it seems like he's becoming more like he was back when him and Sasuke were best friends. Is 'Sasuke' impacting him?

"Fine." 'Koji' muttered shyly.

Koji's eyebrow twiched, thinking how he used to act like 'Koji'. It's kinda pathetic, actually. Just proves how horrible this universe is.

"Right. I'mma go now. Don't worry! I'll come back regularly, but I can't really stay here." he said and got up. 'Koji' just sat there, looking all depressed and muttered a quiet "Bye."


While on his way to the alley, Koji stumbled upon a familiar face.

"You!" he shouted while pointing his index finger at the dark haired male. His eyes were fueled in anger and betrayal.

"Oh ho! Koji! Long time no see, huh? How are you doing? Better, I see." the younger boy said with his deep voice and a forced smile and fake cheery voice.

"Satoshi, why did you do this!?"

"Why are you getting so angry at me? Aren't you happier this way?" he asked, making a valid point.

"But you're making your 'Koji' suffer. Why? Aren't you best friends or something?"

"Yup! That's why I'm going to protect him." the brown haired boy said with a sick smile while the orange haired male looked at him in horror. Then suddenly, all expression left his face. He looked like a robot. "Ah, I'm too tired of pretending."

Koji gulped and continued looking at the other with a horrified expression on his face.

"I have my reasons for doing what I did." 'Satoshi' said emotionlessly, his voice sounding even deeper in the monotone tone.

"W-What kind of reasons?" Koji asked nervously. Sweat was rolling down his forehead as he had a hard time dealing with the younger boy standing in front of him.

"Stupid reasons. You wouldn't understand." he said. "Now leave this universe, don't ever come back." he said dangerously before disappearing in a flash.




"Koji! I've been waiting for you at the alley. What are you doing here?" 'Sasuke' whispere-shouted, trying not to get noticed by anyone. "Hellou? UK?"

Koji gasped, coming back to reality. "Urm-yeah! L-let's just not come back here again." he said and dragged the Uchiha to the alley. The portal was already opened, waiting for them to go through. Koji's thoughts were going wild. Finally he made his choice.

"'Sasuke', we're going back tommorow!" Koji said determindedly after they crossed the portal.

"But you said that you don't ever want to come back just a few minutes ago!" 'Sasuke' whined.

"Well I changed my mind. Besides, crossing the portal is really fun!"



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