You're not Grayson...

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"Do tell Tina." Lexie said in a "British" lady like tone.

I laughed a little nervous but kept it simple knowing they would tease me if I gave them a lot of info.

"They're just some friends I made when I moved here. They invited me to a party." I said shrugging.

"So, from the male species?" Katie asked raising her eyebrow.

"Yeah." I said giggling.

A few minutes passed by and the whole party with the male species talk was gone. Lexie told us, that now, after a year from graduating high school she was about to apply for Architecture at LAHS, the same school I was going to, she had really good drawing skills and she liked it. Katie said her mother was letting her pursue her dreams of becoming an actress and a dancer for Broadway, so we would be seeing her at school too. And I told them about being admitted at LAHS for filmmaking. Directing and acting is what I've always wanted to do.

"Three double cheeseburgers, extra bacon, extra cheese!" Our waiter cheered.

We thanked him and started eating. A good two hours later I was at my house. Lexie had dropped me, not before making me promise I would spend the night.

"I WILL SPEND THE NIGHT LEXIE!" I screamed laughing as she made me promise for what seemed like the fourth time.

I called my parents to let them know I was home, apparently they'd run into a couple of friends from high school and wouldn't come back until probably after midnight.

As I walked up the stairs I checked to see if my sister was home, and as if it were magic I got a text message from here saying she was at the movies with her friends and that she'd come back later.

Hiba will spend the night xx. Don't wait up.

I liked Hiba, she'd met my sister at a summer camp about three years ago here in L.A. back when we would only spend summers here.
I went to my room and decided to change outfits. It was January, and it was 6:37 P.M. so it was definitely going to be chilly at the beach. Still I wore shorts, converse a warm, white, long sleeved shirt from Vans and a beanie.
I smoothed my wavy hair and made my way out.

I took my phone out and dialed Grayson's number. I waited, and at the third ring he picked up. He was laughing and out of breath from what I could hear.

"Grayson, it's Cristina."

He probably tried to put the phone out of earshot but I could hear... because he was yelling what he said. "I'm not gonna say anything bad!" And then someone said, "give it to me!" A few seconds later I heard a door being shut.

"Okay, okay. Sorry! Hey Cristina."

"Hi. You said to call you when I was on my way." I told him. I could hear some pounding on the door.

His voice sounded different but it was probably because of the phone. "Right to the beach! How about I pick you up?"

"Uh." I don't know why all of a sudden I was way too nervous to go. But this was something new so what the hell. "Okay."

"Great, send me your location." He said happy.
"You know where I live." I replied confused.

"I-I do...Hey what's your Snapchat?" He asked all dumb.

"You're asking that right now?" I laughed.
After he made up a lame excuse that I didn't understand I gave it to him and he said he'd be here in a few.

15 minutes later a black Range Rover parked in front of my house and honked twice. I walked over to it, opened the door, didn't even bother to check who was driving and closed the door.

"Hey Gray-AAAAH! Oh my God! You're not Grayson what the hell!" I screamed scared.

"Don't worry! Don't scream I'm not some psychopath." He laughed as he explained.

It took me about five seconds to realize who was picking me up, to take me to where the twins were. "I'm a friend-"
"No fucking way."

"You're Cameron Dallas!" I said stunned. "I can't- Oh my God! Hi! Oh my God!"

He laughed and we started to make our way to, where I assumed, the beach.

"Wait! How did you know how to get here?" I asked very confused.

"You know how you gave me your Snapchat?"
"Remember the maps thing its got?"
"Oh. That makes sense. I can't believe it," I said impressed.

"I know right?" He said.
"I mean yeah that thing is wow, but Cameron Dallas just added me on Snapchat!"

He laughed. "Yeah, you'd added  me on there already so I just added you back. Now we're friends." He smiled. He wore a a gray, sleeveless shirt, black joggers and flip flops.
"So...How do you know Ethan and Grayson?" I asked dumbly.

It clearly looked like he was trying to look for the right words. Almost as if he actually didn't know where he'd met them.

"We've been friends for some time now. We're both into the entertainment industry."
"Oh so you go to LAHS?" I asked.
"What? No. Hah I'm not studying right now." He said confident.

"Right." Of course he wasn't, he had everything he needed to live a nice, healthy life.

"Grayson doesn't know you're coming." He said excited. "He thinks you're spending the night at your friend's house." He turned to the left and we finally arrived.

"Why didn't you tell him I was coming?"
"I wanna see his face when you get there."

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