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Grayson's P.O.V.

It was time for the meet and greet.
This was my favorite part because I got to talk and to hug the people who supported E and me. These were the people who lifted up our spirits everyday. Sometimes I think I don't deserve them, but they are the reason I wake up every day. We're all like a big ass family.
The M&G took place in a small room behind some fancy, purple curtains, so we could have sort of like a private moment with them. The curtains opened and a fan came in.

"Hey! What's your name?" Ethan asked.
"Brenda! Guys I love you so much!" She said.
"We love you more," I said leaning into her, "I mean, I love you more than Ethan loves you."
"Dude- Shut up. I love you more than he loves those disgusting anchovies."
"He's right Gray, how can you eat that?" She asked laughing. We took a few pictures and said goodbye.

Talking to our fans was the best.
About an hour later, Cameron said we'd greeted half of the people in line already.
There were people from pretty much everywhere, Mexico, San Diego, Sacramento.
Fans gave us teddy bears, signs, letters... phone numbers.
"Hey! What's your name beautiful?" I asked the next fan that came in.
"Melody," she said smiling. She hugged me and then Ethan.
"I like your name," Ethan said hugging her.
"Thanks Ethan," she said giggling.

We took a few pictures and then before she left she leaned into us... we leaned into her.
"Did- um, did Cristina give you the note when she was backstage?"
How did she know her? That was my first thought.
"Note?" I asked.
She blushed. "It was my phone number."
"Oh yeah! She did." Ethan replied smiling.
"Give me a call," she said winking and left.

We looked at each other. And tried not to laugh.
"Man I love them and their crazy asses," Ethan said.

Another hour passed and we were about to greet the last few fans.
"There are about ten fans left," Cameron said, "at least that's what the security guy said."
"We need to call Tina after this," I told Ethan lowly.
"Yeah," he sighed, "I've been thinking about what she said backstage for most of the night."
Another fan came in with her friends.
We talked for a bit and then took pictures and said goodbye.

We waited for a few seconds but no one else came in. We thought it was over. But Peter, our bodyguard, had to come in and tell us it was over.
"I think we're finished-" but I got cutoff.

"I'll wait outside!" I heard someone say on the other side of the curtains.
"Stop being a drama queen and get in here with us!"

Cristina's P.O.V.

"Really, I'm fine waiting out here," I said.
"Tina okay, we're about to meet the guys we have fan accounts for!" Lexie hissed loudly. 
"You have to come in!" Katie said.
"Unless you wanna go in first, alone," Lexie teased.
And Lexie and Katie pushed me and through the curtains I went.

Ethan's P.O.V.

I was talking to Gray and as we heard someone stumble in we turned around. Only to see Tina standing there.
She straightened her shirt and cleared her throat.
"Ti-Cristina," I said. I didn't know she'd gotten M&G tickets.
Grayson was speechless. He wasn't expecting her to come in through those curtains and neither was I.
"Ethan, Grayson, this is awkward. But it won't be anymore if you show me where the exit is," she said not looking at us.

"Don't be such an ass Tina!" I heard one of her friends yell from the other side of the curtains.
Then a blonde girl and a redhead came in.

Dibs on the blonde one. I smiled.

"Holy mother- Okay you're hotter in person," she said.
I walked to where they were. "Hey! What are your names?"
"Katie," she said smiling she was blushing.
"Lexie, and I'm in Gray's lane," she said walking to my brother, "no offense E, you're hot too."
I laughed. "None taken!"
I talked to Katie for a little bit as Grayson took pictures with Lexie.

Tina was nowhere to be seen. I frowned and looked around the small room.
"She probably left, she wasn't really looking forward to the meet and greet," Katie said noticing my concern.
"I don't blame her," I murmured.

As we were leaving, Grayson and Lexie were saying goodbye and as he leaned into her to kiss her cheek, she accidentally turned to do the same thing and ended up kissing each other's lips.

"Oh my God- I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" They both apologized.
Katie and I laughed.
I kissed her cheek "accidentally" close to her lips and I also apologized... and then they both left.

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