Sleepover and Starbucks

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"That lipstick doesn't look good on you!" Katie said giggling. She had applied a lime green lipstick on Lexie's lips.

"I told you it wouldn't look good!" She replied trying to wipe it off.
I laughed as they did each other's makeup. We were all in our PJs.

"So, you never told me who brought you?" Lexie asked. I tried avoiding pretty much any questions about what I'd done before getting to her house, but I would have to tell them.
"I have something to tell you guys." I said with a frown.

"What's up?" They both asked.

"You know how I told you some friends had invited me to a beach party?" I asked sitting on Lexie's bed.

They nodded and I continued. "Well, I was supposed to take an Uber to get there but, Cameron Dallas picked me up."

Way to spill something like this, I thought to myself.

They stared at me not quite believing me.
"Um. Tina, are you okay?" Lexie asked.
"Tina, are you sure? I mean, this is a joke... right?" Katie asked me.

I thought about it real quick. Would they be able to not tell anyone? Maybe I should tell them some other time.

"No. I was just kidding I wanted to see your faces!" I said laughing and they threw a pillow at me.

"God! We thought you were being serious!" Lexie said.
I sort of was.


The next morning we all woke up to go get coffee at Starbucks, like the basic girls we are. When we arrived I told the girls what I wanted and went to the restroom.

Katie's P.O.V.

"A vanilla frappe, an American frappe and a caramel frappe, please." I said to the blonde guy on the other side of the counter. He had freckles and curly hair. Cute, I thought to myself.

"Sizes?" He asked.
"All venti." I said smiling.
"Okay. That'll be $13.35 please." He replied smiling.

I paid him and waited outside with Lexie. It was a cloudy morning and it was chilly out. The line of the drive thru was incredibly long. Everyone was getting their juice to fuel up.

That's when I saw it. The bronco. Not just any bronco. Grayson Dolan's bronco. I froze.

Lexie's P.O.V.

"Lexie!" Katie hissed at me.
I turned from my phone and looked at her. "What is it?"

"Please tell me you see it!" She said, a smile plastered on her face.

"See what?" I asked looking around.

"The drive thru! Look at the line!" She said pointing to it. "It's Grayson's bronco!" She said excited.

And she was right! My heart started racing and I had no idea of what to do. Inside of me there was endless screaming I had to go say hi at least.

We both stood up and walked as casual as we could towards the bronco.

His window was halfway down and when we looked at him we smiled.
"No fucking way!" I said.

"Oh my God!" Katie screamed.
Grayson snorted and laughed. He rolled down the window.

"Hi guys." He said.

"Grayson I- Oh my God. I love you so much!" I said almost at a loss for words.

"Grayson- I- I love you! I love you! You have no idea." Katie said besides me.

"Can we take a picture with you?" I asked.

"Sure!" He got out of the car real quick and posed with me then Katie. We took a bunch of pictures with Katie's new phone. We had to hurry though, because it had really low battery.

"I'm so glad I was able to meet you!" He said. He took his phone out and posted a video of us on Snapchat. Then a picture of both of us kissing him on the cheek.

"Are you kidding? It was amazing that we finally got to meet you!" Katie said excited.
"Yes! You do so much for us! And you guys are amazing!" I said.

"Aw. We appreciate your support guys, we really do." He said smiling and hugging us.
The cars then started to move and he had to get back.

We said our goodbyes and he got back in his car. He still had the window down and just as he was driving to the window so they could take his order Katie yells something.

"Tell Ethan I love him!" She says.

"Sure will!" He replied laughing.

"Don't forget!" She said back.

"I won't!" He said and we lost sight of him as they took his order.

Cristina's P.O.V.

I washed my hands and got out of the restroom.

"Order for Katie!" A girl said.
"Thank you." I said to her while grabbing the cup holder that had our coffees.

"We thought you'd left!" She said, a sigh of relief escaping her.

"What do you mean?" I asked her confused.
"It was the third time I called this order." She said smiling. "But don't worry! You got it."

She said and turned around to make more coffees. I took some straws and napkins, and looked over at the drive thru window.

I noticed it was one of the twins. I gave him a smile when Grayson looked over at me. He was waiting for whatever he'd ordered.

We both waved at each other and smiled.
"Hey Tina." He said.
"Hey G."  I replied.

I waved goodbye and turned around to look for the girls. But they were nowhere to be seen. I went to check on the second floor and there they were, in the little balcony with the view to the city of precious L.A.

"I thought you were downstairs! Why didn't you go get the order?" I asked.

"YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE-" Katie started.
"WHAT JUST HAPPENED!" And Lexie continued.

"What?" I asked scared.


"Here we go-" I started laughing.

"No! I'm serious! We're serious!" Lexie said.
Katie took her iPhone out but it was dead.

"Crap!" She said throwing it back in her bag. "I'll show you the pictures later!"

"Sure you will!" I said nodding my head and giggling. I took my frappe and gave it a sip.
"We promise we saw Gra-"

My phone started ringing. "Hang on." I said to Katie.

I looked at the screen. Mom.
"It's my mom, I'll be right back." I stood up and went outside.

"Hi mom." I said to the phone.

"Tina! Where are you?" She asked.

"I'm at Starbucks why?" I asked.

"Ethan is at the house. I would tell Karina to keep him company but she's at the beach and plus he's looking for you."

I totally forgot about the video!

"Cristina! Esas palabras!" She said.

"Sorry! Tell him I'll be there in 15 minutes."
"Fine. I'll tell him to help me make guacamole." She said hanging up.

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