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After we left the show, we all stopped at 7Eleven for chips, some dip and Icees. We all got cherry, coincidence. I hadn't spoken much about the show or the twins, instead, I would try to get them to tell me the same story (about how Lexie defended me while I was on stage) that they'd told me about fourteen times.

"Tina come on! Fangirls over here," Katie said pointing at herself and then Lexie.
I chuckled. "I'm sorry, I just find it hilarious that some girl at the Dolan Twins' would recognize me from Hollywood Reporter."
Not that I had forgotten about Liz, the girl onstage.

After we finished the challenge she said she was just teasing and didn't care. But I doubted it considering she said she didn't care seven times.

When we got home we decided both Lexie and Katie could spend the night at my house.

"Okay, pizza will be here in fifteen," Katie said.
My window was open and I was praying the twins wouldn't think of opening theirs.
I hadn't told Lexie or Katie about my friendship with Ethan and Grayson, much less that we were neighbors, but I knew Lexie was already looking suspicious.

"So, what'd you think of the show?" Lexie asked.
"It was good," I said smiling.
"Weren't they hot?" Katie asked.
"Uh- I guess," I replied.
"Okay," Lexie said, "what happened?"
"About what?" I asked.
"Did something happen when you went backstage?" Lexie asked.

"Wait what? What happened?" Katie asked.
"Nothing happened." I lied.
"Are you sure?" Lexie pressed.
"Yes!" I said exasperated.
"Are you lying?" Katie asked.
"Y-No!" I said.
"Aha!" Katie said.
"Just please just drop it."
"Okay okay," they both said.

They dropped the conversation about the show and started to fangirl again about how Lexie and Gray had kissed.

"Ethan almost kissed me!" Katie said a little disappointed.
I smiled a little while I listened to them talk.
"I saw that!" Lexie said excited.
"Tina who do you think is hotter?" Katie asked.
I choked a little on my icee and cleared my throat.
"Tom Hiddleston," I said.
"No silly, we're talking about the twins."
Suddenly I felt annoyed. As much as I loved these two girls the whole Dolan Twin talk was starting to get on my nerves.

"They look the same," I said, "so what's the point?"
"They do not! Grayson is way hotter and bigger," she said laughing.
"I'm gonna have to disagree," Katie replied.
I looked out the window. Theirs was closed.
Downstairs, I heard the front door open.
"I think it's Hiba and Karina, I'll be back," I said.
"Okay! We'll watch Netflix, anything in mind?" They asked before I went downstairs.
"You guys choose. You need anything from downstairs?"
"Chips!" Katie yelled.
"And dip I think we left it on the counter!" Lexie chimed in.

I reached the kitchen and found my dad there.
"Hey," I said.
"Hey! Are your friends upstairs?" He asked.
"Yeah, we're gonna watch movies and gain a few pounds," I said smiling.
"Haha, so how was the show? Karina was mad she couldn't get tickets, we told her if you liked it you could go with her to San Diego to their show there," he said as he went in the living room and came back with his coat.

"Um- again?" I asked as a small laugh escaped my lips.
"You didn't like it?" He asked.
"No it was fine but I mean, why can't she go with Hiba?"
"That's an option, but still we might have to go to San Diego around that time, it's gonna be your aunt's birthday."
"Right," I said, "are you going somewhere?"
"Yes, your mother and I are going to a dinner party," he said as he kissed my head.
"We'll be back late! Don't get in trouble or gain much weight or light up the house on fire!" He said as I heard the door close.

I chuckled and took the chips and quickly prepared the dip.
Just as I was about to head upstairs someone knocked on the door.

"Guys! The money for the pizza!" I yelled.
"It's on the little table in the vestibule!"

I put the things back in the kitchen and opened the door to the vestibule, I took the money and opened the front door.

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